What's Bothering You?

sssooooo cooooooold. it was 90 degrees f a few days ago and it's currently 40 degrees f right now. :(
I am also freezing this morning 😭

and I'm really overstimulated, so many weird smells in my room and in our house this morning and I can't handle it 🥲
I knew I shouldn’t get my hopes up but I still can’t help being sad I didn’t get nominated & some people got nominated more than once. They all deserve it, but still can’t help feeling sad. Part of the reason I have been discouraged from participating in events is because a lot of times the same people win. I hate feeling this way and know I should keep trying and not get discouraged but Idk,

Edit: Please do not reply.
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I feel you. 🫂 The same happened to my contest entries and I was disappointed too, but I made sure to lower my expectations once the polls went up. Setting your expectations high will lead to issues when things don't go your way. I've learned this the hard way before.

But don't go too hard on yourself! I'm sure people enjoyed your entries. My favorite one you made is your Magnificent Memories drawing! And I understand how unfair it can be for the same people to win the events, but if it's any consolation it's not always like that. Just keep at it and you'll get there. Don't give up! You gotta believe! 💜
I feel you. 🫂 The same happened to my contest entries and I was disappointed too, but I made sure to lower my expectations once the polls went up. Setting your expectations high will lead to issues when things don't go your way. I've learned this the hard way before.

But don't go too hard on yourself! I'm sure people enjoyed your entries. My favorite one you made is your Magnificent Memories drawing! And I understand how unfair it can be for the same people to win the events, but if it's any consolation it's not always like that. Just keep at it and you'll get there. Don't give up! You gotta believe! 💜

I’ve been here for 9 years lol. It’s easier said than done lol.

Thanks. It’s hard to be optimistic when I haven’t won anything in the years I’ve participated.
Will Nintendo ever add Donkey Kong 64 to Nintendo Switch Online? I’ve been waiting for three years, and they still didn’t add it. I know it’s important to be patient, but with Nintendo being consistent with poor decisions on retro gaming, it’s not worth being patient. Because it’s not about when they’ll release it to NSO, but rather if they’ll release it to NSO. It didn’t help that they prioritized obscure third-party titles over popular first-party titles. What is Nintendo’s aversion to uploading DK64?
There are a lot of wonderful artists on here. I can't say for certain if the same members get nominated/win as I've never bothered to gather results from previous events. I've known members commented on this and it was a very big issue during the Christmas event where it all came undone. I am sure events where it's not decided on staff favorites have an disadvantage with favoritism and those voting for their friends/popular members.

Which if that is the case for some members votes, you are cheapening the event by doing it that way. There isn't any way to not sugar coat that. I think everyone's entries have been amazing. But again, if it is true that the same members get nominated a lot and it is due to favoritism to an extent, then I don't know how we could even possibly remedy that.

Which is why I loved the Canvas Crossing event so much. We need more events like that. That come from the heart and gifting others. I hope this type of task isn't a one and done thing. We need more of that wholesomeness in TBT. It was my favorite event by far. I've never been nominated for anything and I really don't care if I ever will be, but events like this are great because it includes everyone.
Which is why I loved the Canvas Crossing event so much. We need more events like that. That come from the heart and gifting others. I hope this type of task isn't a one and done thing. We need more of that wholesomeness in TBT. It was my favorite event by far. I've never been nominated for anything and I really don't care if I ever will be, but events like this are great because it includes everyone.
definitely agree, I really enjoyed the Canvas Crossing event and I think it's nice to give everyone a chance to shine with an event like that 💗
One of the lasting impacts of living through a school shooting has been the feeling of having no safety in public. When that 'bubble' has been breached, it never comes back.

I went with my mother to church today. My brain was running a gauntlet of questions. "where is each exit" "which direction would i run towards or would i go under the seat" "could i protect my mother from this position" "who is going in and out of the room and what are they doing or wearing".

I can still rationalize that it's not a common scenario and that lets me ease up a little. (along with anxiety medication). Yet I was already shown a few years ago that it's not an impossible scenario either. How does one fully feel relaxed knowing that? There's a blur between what we witness in the news and what we feel could be possible in our reality.

It's been ripped away permanently for me.
idk why I spend half of my days not feeling well. heck probably more than half. 😔

edit: had to reiterate that I spend (not spent) most days feeling unwell. today it happened to be an ongoing medical issue that I was dealing with in the morning. I feel a little better now, but ugh. so annoying.
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Was suppose to have a call from my UC coach and its been nearly half an hour.
Literally had to add a message on there because this is the second time it's happened :/ Wasting my time. I have things to do.
It's annoying because they don't really assist me with looking for jobs anyways. Last time, I used to get a few things in the journal but nothing.

*lol, now they ring. Didnt stay on for long, but seemed overjoyed about the interview.
Spoiler cause I mention throw up
I barfed my guts out this morning and my dad has an appointment so he asked me to come watch my mom while he's gone. Im just sitting at their kitchen table not looking forward to getting my mom outta bed cause it takes alot of effort to lift and transfer her. I had to bring a bowl with me on the drive over here cause ive barfed on myself driving way too many times now. Me and my mom have activities to do Tuesday, wednesday and friday so im just really hoping I feel better this week
Doctor phoned me today, two weeks before my scheduled appointment, to tell me some of my test results came back. Something in my bloodwork is unexpectedly abnormal (we were expecting abnormal, but instead of a defiency the test found an overload) so now I've even more tests booked. And we don't even know the results of the tests for the two illnesses he already strongly suspects I have yet.

Everything he predicts is wrong with me is genetic so thanks mum and dad? 🙃

I'd give anything to just feel functional again. Ugh. Also physio tomorrow. And more medical calls scheduled for Thursday. The fun never ends.
My vet school applications are due in a week and I can't get my personal statement where I want it. It sounds generic as heck and I need it to stand out!
I regularly review personal statements for UK university applicants on a voluntary basis. I'm by no means an expert but if you want some feedback feel free to run it by me (via TBT conversation or Discord - I'm sure you know publicly is unsafe!).