What's Bothering You?

I feel like I come across as a mean, hostile person who gets angry and upset with every little thing, no matter how trivial it is. Whenever something bad happens to me or someone close to me, it really affects my overall mood, and I feel the need to take it out on other people by going off on them.

I've lashed out on people multiple times both online and in real life because they said or did something that finally made me snap, even if they didn't mean to do so or I was the one in the wrong. I get angry and irritated very easily, despite my seemingly happy-go-lucky nature. It would even get to the point where I break things, outright insult people and/or cuss them out.
Not even an hour into the school day today and it was reported someone brought a weapon (probably a gun I'm assuming) into school. They have been apprehended and nobody was hurt thankfully but still. Litteraly a month ago we were in a lockdown for half the school day because someone brought a gun into school and got into a fight (no one was hurt don't worry). I hate the fact that this **** just happens all the time and nobody cares.
So, I’m not getting that place that I mentioned in a different thread. Someone else submitted a much larger offer and that was accepted. My parents essentially told me to suck it up and keep waiting for something else to come up.

But I don’t want to keep waiting. I want OUT of their house, and I really don’t want to turn 26 and still be living under the same roof as them. What baffles me the most is that they still don’t understand how much their messy and disorganized habits bother me. Every time I bring it up, they get mad. I ask them if they want my help in cleaning, they get mad. I can’t win.

Renting is not a solution because my dad says that he would refuse to give me any financial assistance. He is also not willing to have me live more than 30 minutes away from where I’m at, even if I try to get a new job. So what else am I supposed to do? All these higher-income jobs I’ve seen require a degree and/or lots of experience, and I’ve got neither. This is what I get for being raised smack-dab in the middle of a range where the median home value is close to $500k in all immediate directions. God, do I hate the housing market. Interest rates finally dip and poor me can’t take advantage because everyone is overpaying. It really does suck.
I apologize if you weren't looking for a response, but I wanted to say that I definitely understand this feeling. I hate living with my parents, mostly because the house is a mess but also because I'm just at a point in my life where I want to be on my own and be independent. your situation sounds very limiting though and I'm very sorry to hear that 🫂 finding a house in this economy is so difficult, especially if you don't have a great paying job. it's becoming more common to live with parents into the 20s but it sucks so much.
Paper towel roll is already dirty. How do you manage to get the whole thing dirty? (my dad)
So, to those who know me well, know I have ALWAYS ALWAYS loved One Direction. I found out that Liam Payne from 1D passed away today. I am very upset. I have been crying hysterically for the past hour and a half. I need to get off the internet for today because every time I see his face or see another article— I just burst into tears again. He wasn’t my favorite, and I know he’s been problematic in recent years (according to his ex), but I am SO devastated. The little girl in me is so sad.
if im being quite honest, i don't know at all. that's the problem. i have no idea why for most of the day these past few days i just feel an overwhelming sadness. ive just been crying randomly out of nowhere. this morning, i attended a virtual appointment at a mental health hospital for OCD/anxiety, where i was diagnosed with OCD and they said they would send the assessment to my doctor to look through. i was smiling throughout the whole appointment. later on in the day, i just felt so so sad for no reason and started crying. i went to call the neurologist right after my appointment and they are currently closed for a week, so i have to wait for that. i don't know what's going on with my anxiety and panic attacks, and if they will be addressed in my next appointment with my doctor. i just want to always feel happy, content, but for some reason my brain won't allow me to feel that way for very long at all recently. i just want to find out the reason because i am so, so tired.
My aunt having an alcoholic rage episode on an otherwise uneventful Wednesday.

She gets into these weird delusions about everybody wronging her.

(like, she cites me as being a bad influence on her kids. despite me being normally quiet and never doing anything to her kids).

it is not fun to be around. and it's not fun to be demeaned or used in her drunken rants when I quite literally haven't done anything at all.

oof :c
Was called to gave to buy milk for the shop so that caused me to be even longer to work, forgot my umbrella and will be giving then a receipt
He was lucky I saw the message.
I dunno I just don't feel the best of moods today for no reason
My youngest has bothered my ginger cat who has moved from their original spot and I just hope they get the chance to move back
I think part of my problem is that I'm basically watching my mum slowly die right in front of me, and there's little to nothing that I can do about it. I feel so helpless, even with all her tests and doctors visits. she might need to have another surgery soon and, realistically thinking about it, she may not come out of it alive. she's already suffered two collapsed lungs from her last surgery and she's had trouble breathing ever since. and it seems like her issues never end, she's basically suffering and she's not living a good quality life because she's constantly being held back by health issues. she has so many surgeries that need to be done and so many underlying issues that have developed over the years. I don't know if she will ever be able to live a decent life again.

and I just have to sit here and watch her suffer. there's nothing I can do.

I don't know what'll happen with her next inevitable surgery. I'm feeling devastated and numb at the same time. I feel like I'm bracing myself for the day when the doctor tells us that we've lost her. I don't know. 😞