What's Bothering You?

It's been a year since my mom's death. I don't think the exact date affects anything since I miss her just the same, but still. I want to be excited for the upcoming Halloween event, but it happens to fall on that day.

Of course, no time for grievances right now. I have another ****ing appointment, so I need to act like I'm fine for a bit longer. But I'm not okay. I want my mom back.

I wonder how my brother is holding up. He never wants to talk about it, so it makes me wonder if he truly misses her or if he's masking his emotions. At least he's having fun at a friend's house, but I'm stuck here in my grief and responsibilities.

I also lost the necklace my mom gave me and I've been inconsistent with taking me meds. Lord help me.
This year is the literal worst, and it just keeps coming. I almost feel like the world is against me now.

I spend almost a month in medical care, then a long recovery and thought I was doing better. Everything was fine, I was moving on and things were nice. I'm able to walk again

But no. Now im sick! I caught a cold yesterday, that's making me so numb, weak, and gross. Yesterday I wven said *I don't care* I wanted my freaking Overwatch Skins and to just enjoy the weather. I didnt feel as bad yesterday, so I decide to wear a mask and go to the convince store to grab a card, and I trip on my way back and hurt my leg

Like come on give me a break. I just wanna live my life. I wanna do stuff. Not this. Anything but being stuck doing nothing.

I'm so. So done with this. I'll just rest again, and hope I can get better. I was suaposed to start next week, just give me that.

Just let me be cured and I can go sell movie tickets again. If not I don't know. I juf don't know.
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sometimes I feel like I'm just meant to be sad, like I'm destined to live a life of feeling upset and frustrated. that's where my comfort lies, that's what I'm used to. I can't see my mood improving as the years go on. I don't know how to truly feel happiness anymore, I don't know how to create my own happiness.

also came to work and I sat in my hot car for about seven minutes because I'm feeling sleepy, and I felt cozy. now that I'm in the library, I'm freezing. didn't think I'd need my winter coat because it's 70F outside, but apparently I should've brought it.
imagine your daughter telling you that she's struggling and she feels alone, and your reaction is to give her the silent treatment and prove to her that she is in fact alone and that you don't care that she's struggling. imagine telling her that her problems don't compare to yours.

I'm so angry.