What's Bothering You?

It's almost 5 AM and I'm trying to sleep, but I can't. I keep overthinking (about my job and future, no less) and it's making me feel like ****. I'll never be good enough for anything.

I'm wondering if I'll have these feelings of stress and anxiety for the next few months, but it'd be a really flimsy reason to quit. Meh. It's just the way it is.
tl;dr trying to get an adhd assessment through my gp surgery is a constant nightmare.

first referral was bust because it was an online only service, which i can't do for multiple reasons. nowhere local to refer me for face-to-face. been waiting months to see if somewhere opened. learned about right to choose a few weeks ago and a clinic an hour away that does face to face assessments. first GP says she couldn't refer me there for reasons that further research suggests are wrong. saw a different GP today who was willing to refer me but a consultant roadblocked her and said i can only be referred to my city's services (which i think they're also wrong about) so i had to redo the adhd questionnaire, and now i have to see what they say. idk if my old results were too "outdated" to get a direct referral to my preferred clinic, but i first did this questionnaire within only the last year. i have a bad feeling they're just going to refer me to the same online service. again. in which case i'm going to have to make another GP appointment and start lodging complaints. hoping i'm wrong, this is exhausting. it's looking like private is my only option but my GP "can't" do shared care, and idk if i can afford the prescriptions without it lol.
A drawback of frequent Airbnb stays is the requirement for early departure and the subsequent wait for check-in access at the next location. Additionally, the perpetual packing and transportation of belongings can be cumbersome for those without fixed residences.
Nearly hit my breaking point with my last post here but I'm doing okay now. Anyway I did something with my food collectible entry so it could get accepted (I redesigned it and included progress screenshots as I forgot to take some for my first one) and I notified the host to check it. The only thing that's making me more tense is whether they'll even check or not, especially since I just noticed that most of the entries got accepted already. I'm worried I might get ignored or disqualified. Either way, it's probably for the better since school is making me more busy.

No reactions, please.
Anyway I did something with my food collectible entry so it could get accepted (I redesigned it and included progress screenshots as I forgot to take some for my first one) and I notified the host to check it. The only thing that's making me more tense is whether they'll even check or not, especially since I just noticed that most of the entries got accepted already. I'm worried I might get ignored or disqualified.
It'll be reviewed either much later today or (more likely) tomorrow. I'm at work now and have my sister-in-law visiting tonight - in addition to needing to get Pierrot's Parlor ready for the second batch of events!
For my interview this morning I had hoped i could double check the job description from my emails but my phone just doesn't want to comply and now I can't check the emails again DX (at work right now)
I just hope the questions aren't too problematic
i have to get smth really far away this weekend and i have to go on my own and im scared because its not a really popular place in my city, and when i suggested a more frequented spot it got turned down but i have to get it so i don’t know how to deal with it :/
Went to see my Rheumatology Nurse nearly 3 weeks ago and asked her if I could get some temporary meds that make me feel better as I have to stop one of my regular meds due to them causing havoc with my bloods. Got a letter telling me it wouldn't be advantageous for temporary meds at this point. It was be advantageous to me as I'm in a great deal of pain and so, so tired everyday. I've got physio tomorrow and I honestly don't know how I'll manage to even do the physio exercise without those temporary meds.
I'm starting to feel like I'm destined to fail my drawing class, because I finished an assignment that was due today at home but I forgot to bring it with me. I have an F in this class thanks to my perfectionism delaying my ability to finish my art on time (and a million other complex things), so I'm pretty much dead at this point.

I am sick and tired of this position I'm in and I'm sick and tired of this environment. But more importantly I'm sick and tired of how I'm handling it all. Why do people even put up with me?
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