What's Bothering You?

I've intense pain in my neck and shoulder. No idea what I've done to it but I don't think hauling around that cat carrier earlier did it any good. Cannot get comfortable in any position and painkillers aren't helping.

I managed to doze off for a half hour on the couch (relief!) then the ASDA delivery driver woke me.
Felt like my saturday went by far too quickly. Trying to get some creative writing done but ugh nothing is working. :/
I’m trying to avoid politics now and even before the election, but I keep coming across it and being triggered. I wish there was a way to hide topics and certain words from showing up (on the internet in general).

I wish I could wake up without panicking and without the depression. I’m tired of being sad and my mental health issues. I should be better later since I still have to take my medicine and playing Persona 5 has been a good distraction. I just wish I could be okay right away.
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It was a terrible day and I'm literally 🤏 this close to quiting my job and dropping out of college because I CANNOT take these people for a SECOND longer 🥲
Oh and my car didn't start this morning for like the 4th time in 2 weeks so I had to get an extremely last minute ride. So basically everything. Everything is bothering me🙃 not having a good time tbh.
i work in pet food and i am so. so. so. tired of my coworkers being clueless and making terrible food recommendations to customers. i'm so tired of the customers themselves being idiots who ask for advice and then don't follow it. i'm so tired of customers spouting off incorrect nonsense at me like they know more than i do after i've spent 5+ years studying pet nutrition. i hate 90% of pet food companies for being soulless, evil monsters who will **** out the lowest quality product to make a buck. i cannot WAIT to get out this place just because it is so unbelievably depressing to see how many pets eat garbage and whose owners don't care enough to listen or do their research.
if you're reading this, DO NOT feed your pets purina, hill's science diet or royal canin! your vet is paid off to recommend these to you!
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My mood keeps going down way more easily this year. I'm tired of everything being wrong. My anxiety is up for very specific reasons that I am not sure I should even say. Unhealthy rants happen in my head occasionally due to the way the world is and there isn't really a way to escape it because something will always trigger it again eventually. I wish I could live in a world where everyone could get along and not be constantly fooled by lies and misinformation and whatever else is going on. That world does not exist.
I don't even use social media and these problems still come to me. I don't think there's anything I can do.
This is really really petty, but I really didn't like how I wrapped up playing Among Us as the imposter after being crewmate for the whole night. It usually doesn't hit me so hard, but this time it did especially after dealing with a few disconnections throughout the session. I want to apologize to those I played with even though I wasn't being rude. 😞
My progress report card came this morning, and my parents saw my grades. They (the grades) weren't really the worst, but I still feel bad about them because I feel like it's my fault they're like this.

I can't bring myself to do what my school requires me to because I'm just so tired of everything, and even on the weekends when I have plenty of time to get it done, my family keeps pressuring me to work on house chores instead, and I get so irritated my procrastination gets worse. I wish I wasn't so stubborn about changing myself, especially when it's for my own good.

Also, I still miss my partner and I don't know how long it'll take until our relationship goes back to normal. I know deep down that they still care, but it's never felt the same for me ever since they got that job. 💔

EDIT: I don't want to hurt my partner's feelings in case they read this, so I want to add this: what I was saying earlier was that I'm worried about us.
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