I've come down horribly sick on new years day and aside from the sadness in that, it's come at a really bad time for me. Firstly, I didn't get my flu jab this year (dumb) for the first time in ages and I have a weak immune system so that's... not ideal. I'm also visiting my hometown right now and have to travel a number of hours home tomorrow and I must travel tomorrow no matter how sorry for myself I feel, so as you can imagine I'm just thrilled about that. Then as the cherry on top I'm very busy and have 2 events I can't afford to cancel on the 3rd and 4th. Even if by some miracle I'm better for these events, I'll be in that awkward flu recovery stage where you still look rough from having wiped your nose too much and what not. I'll willingly give up on the event on the 3rd but the one of the 4th I reallllllllly want to pull it together for, its really important to me. Argh. Woe is me, I guess.
I've been up and down all night, much to my dismay, but this rant has made me feel the tiniest bit better.