What's Bothering You?

I can't even think straight right now. I'm now realizing that because of my stupid decisions and inactions, it's brought forth great consequences.

Had I told my manager a couple days earlier that I was ready to work again, I would've been working this week. But my manager had already done the schedule, so I have to wait till next week to work. I couldn't get a hold of her number until today anyways, but I'm still irked. With me taking the week off (upon my manager's request) and this, I'm missing out on two week's worth of pay. :\

Because I was so overwhelmed about college, I didn't do any of the stuff I was supposed to until I realized it's all come to bite me in the ass. To put it lightly, I don't have housing settled and my dad is sure as hell not gonna drive me to college and back every day. I could look for an apartment, but they're stupidly expensive in Canada and all my savings are just gonna go down the drain...

To be fair, I couldn't complete the dormitory application due to having insufficient information that was given to me after the deadline had passed, and all my calls/emails not being responded to. But in the end, I'm still at fault because I didn't get my **** together sooner.

I'm dreading having to tell my parents, because they want me to be transparent and keep them up-to-date with my life. I'm just gonna get the same lectures about the same **** I've already been told, get into arguments, and have another ****ing mental breakdown. I've made the same mistake twice now. At this rate, my younger brother is gonna be in college before I will be. My dad told me this while we had an argument a few days ago, and it really stung. I'm just so mad and disappointed in myself. How do I keep ****ing up?

I find it ironic that even though I've mentioned multiple times about how much I hate work and not wanting to go to college, I'm upset about not being able to do either. But I think it's moreso my parents being disappointed in me because I'm not doing something useful with my life. ("You wanna have a purpose in life? Go to work or college." My dad's exact words.)

I also pulled an all-nighter last night and I'm starting to feel the effects. I might just sleep for the rest of the day.
I've been awake since 6:30 this morning, it's now 6:30 in the evening, and all I've eaten today are a cupcake and a pack of peanut butter M&Ms. then I wonder why I don't feel well lol. my lack of appetite, and my AuDHD tendency to forget that eating is a thing I need to do, really don't help.
Well, it looks like I'm the only housekeeper working today. Nobody, not even my boss, is here. There was supposed to be another housekeeper working, but she called in today because of the weather (it's snowing outside). Since I was the only housekeeper, I had to take the residents outside to smoke in the cold (it was the housekeepers turn to take the residents out to smoke).

When employees take the residents out to smoke, they're not supposed to leave them out by themselves, so I had to be outside with the residents while they were smoking. My fingers were freezing so hard they started hurting. I hope I don't get sick from being outside of the cold.
I have to go back to the normal routine this week and I feel pretty awful about it.

Everything feels like masking irl and I don’t know how much I can take. My trans-ness is also hitting me a lot right now.

I was reading a bunch of fic for the last week and it made me happy. It also reminds me of some things I’m missing in my relationship that we used to have. I miss that. I wanna be with that character and I wanna be him.

I’ve been trying to change things and it’s not working. Of course the response I get is that things will get better. Nobody knows that. It’s an excuse.

I’m just tired of trying to be a responsible person, everything is failing mentally.

Edit: I’m also bothered I forgot to gift more Christmas Lights earlier. I don’t know if they’re still available. I’m just tired I guess.

Edit2: it is also too goddamn hot here. Another thing I mask is how much I’m tired of this country
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Sad to hear that The Vivienne passed away. 💔 😢 She was only 32. She won the first UK season of RuPaul’s Drag Race and was also on All Stars 7. She was so fun to watch…and the first queen I ever drew, because I loved her makeup look! Fly high, angel!
Sad to hear that The Vivienne passed away. 💔 😢 She was only 32. She won the first UK season of RuPaul’s Drag Race and was also on All Stars 7. She was so fun to watch…and the first queen I ever drew, because I loved her makeup look! Fly high, angel!
I just heard that too. I thought it was some sick prank at first. I haven't seen her season but thought she was alright on All Stars 7. I'm sorry for her friends and family.
my internet still keeps cutting out randomly on my pc despite me still being connected to it. i think i might have to replace my usb adapter since nothing's working and hope a new one fixes it. (and despair if it doesn't.) i've been hoarding other things to buy in my amazon cart until i qualified for free shipping, i just don't feel like spending £40 right now orz
I got 4hrs sleep. Going to be a long day. 😴

My partner went out to watch TV at a friend's house last night, came home drunk, and proceeded to spend the next 3hrs sat on the couch clinging to the mop bucket.
I have coughs and colds, and I felt extremely tired over a lack of sleep during the holiday trip. I haven't been in a mood for making art lately and I wish I get better soon because I felt like drawing, but I'm so conflicted over motivation.