So in my older posts I talked about a guy I know on Discord who spammed my notifications when I declined his offer to (online) hug me. Hugs are something I unanimously accept with close friends (and my love), but with people I consider just friends (not close) it depends on my mood. :P
Anyway, the guy and I were still friends and I made him promise to not spam my notifications or step over my boundaries or any of that stuff. Does he keep his promise? Well, he DMed me today, we greeted each other, and then he was like, “If you don’t mind, can we hug again?” So I said no because I don’t feel like it. (To be fair, I did let him hug me, though that was because I was either feeling down or very giddy.) Guess what he says to me next. “Okay. But please come back and give me hugs later on today.

” His exact words.
I blocked him again. And I’ll probably keep it that way for a while. If I don’t want a hug, I don’t want a hug. And if I
do want a hug, I want a hug. Hopefully he doesn’t bother to find a way around that, because to be honest, I’ve had enough of him pestering me on Discord whenever he wants to talk to me lol. (Seriously. I got 7 notifs two days ago, and when I checked them, there was only one message. I know for sure he’s deleting and resending it.)