What's Bothering You?

It's not easy being the only person in your household with a job. My sister's too young to get a job (she's 14) and my mom's been going back and forth between trying to find a job. Sometimes she goes job hunting and sometimes she doesn't.

My mom's been unemployed for a while now, and I really hope she could get a job so she could stop trying to mooch off of other people for their money. So far, she's applied to multiple jobs, and I don't even know if she'll get accepted to any of them (idk what kind of jobs she applied for, tho).
I've been asked to do some more hours tomorrow, since my boss has to do some sort of errand.
So she wants me there at like quatre to 2PM till like 5/6pm.
And I'll be with the new coworker. I guess he must know how to cook food, because I sure as hell can't or know how to use their tools. I'm just fustrated because I will have less time in the day, and by the time it's 5/6PM it's really dark. I may stay by 6PM, since that's when my mum finishes work - she works nearby - so we could walk home together.
I just don't like working there in the day. I am also debaiting on either making food there for myself or bringing something in. I may somehow make something for myself since I rarely get anything from them.
I miss my old coworker who used to cook food, she would make amazing food.

I also had a sleep today, which was nice, but again, just less time before I have to go to bed.

Applying to things have also been putting me down, just by the idea that they let the AI go through cvs before actually reading, so if there's no actual key words, I won't be noticed, but I've been feeling so tired to add anything like that in a while. Most of my cover letters are the same too.
My living situation is pretty rough right now. I'm in between jobs and everything is about to be cut off, even with assistance programs. I'm struggling to even contribute to rent as is but in February, I do start a job that pays a lot more. I just need to hang in there until then but it's incredibly hard. Today, we went and grabbed food from the food bank and more than half the items were completely expired. One item expired in October. If anything, the eggs were safe and that's better than nothing.
More an advice than a complain, but still bothering me... You know...When you send something to someone and don't hear from it...Could you just ask if they received it? Instead of pouting, ignoring them and being all passive aggressive about it?

For instance, Canada Post went on Strike for a bit more than a month before Christmas, we are just starting to get our October, November, December mail, and all your holidays cards and packages, IF THEY DIDN'T LOSE IT SINCE that's why we didn't thanks you yet.

It's not the first time happening either, last year someone just ignored my calls and messages because they were mad at me for not saying anything about their surprise gift ... that I never received.... They just told yelled at me about it like 6 months later!

It's okay to ask, it's not embarrassing.
I'm just so exhausted. On a couple of levels honestly.
I am also ready for winter to end.
I want more than just the snow gone. I want the cold gone too and the sun to come out so it isn't a mud pit outside when they snow does decide to leave. I want a warm day with a warm breeze. I guess I can dream for now, since I am so tired and all anyway. 🙄
saw my psychiatrist today and he's keeping me on the same med, but 2mg this time. I literally begged him to take me off of it and to prescribe me something else and he said no. 🙃 he thinks it might've been the dose that made me sick and not the med itself, and I'm really, really hoping he's right cause??? this has been horrible, and the thought of getting sick again actually has me on the verge of tears. I hate this so much.

he told me not to take it until next week to give the 5mg pill more time to get out of my system, so I'm really excited to spend the entirety of this week anxious and terrified for next week. : )
I have to start taking the med again tonight, and terrified is an understatement to how I'm feeling. I know now that everything I experienced last time were common side effects, but throwing up is not a side effect I'm willing to push through. I've just started feeling okay again, and the thought of potentially restarting everything and feeling sick like that again is awful. And even if this doesn't make me sick, what if it doesn't work and I have to up the dose? Or I take it long-term, it stops working, and then I have to taper off it?? One 5mg pill knocked me on my ass for a week.

I feel like I'm counting down to my execution lmao
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I went to pick up my groceries, and the girl loading them in my car was nice enough to run in and get my eggs since the person packing them forgot. When she told me, it sounded like only one pack was missing (I ordered 2). Well, both were missing and I only got the one she brought out. Now I'm conflicted on reporting the missing pack because I don't want her to get in trouble. I've gotten refunds for missing items before, but I'm not sure if the employees are penalized when that happens. Also, I probably should've said something about there being 2 packs when she mentioned they were missing. I don't know what to do :")
My alarm awoke my about half an hour early today and I didn't dare go back to sleep. 😩

Also found out my coworker doesn't know how to cook our food, so I dunno whether ir not to make a lil note on our door for the time I come back for the afternoon that the kitchen is closed rather than people coming in and expecting lunch.
I just hate disappointing people.
It least there may be less kitchen to clean, but someone is coming in to make more pastries and they always leave everything without cleaning up.
I had planned and signd up for an online Character Animation introduction course, which lasts for two days, between the hours of 6:30PM and 8PM, and I emailed to ask if the online course will be recorded, due to the fact that I was at work longer than usual today, and those hours are like the hours I am eating dinner with my mum, who can't eat any later due to acid reflux - and sad to say it isn't.
I don't understand why it had to be those hours anyways. I'm too upset about that to even reply back to say I won't be coming to the one tomorrow.

Another thing I am missing out on, is I heard about this amazing opportunity, a free film and photography course running for five days - but they're only giving it to people living in a certain area in my city.

- I do have some good news, that I will add to what are you happy about today thread -