What's Bothering You?

I wish Nintendo made their old games much more accessible. I'm really sad they had to take down free ROMs online and then just. Not make these old games accessible anymore? They don't even reproduce games physically anymore, and digitally these old games are far and few in between. The only legit way to replay most of these games is to buy them secondhand, and even then Nintendo gets none of the cut. I'm not against playing legally (and trust me, I'm not a regular pirate, I support developers as much as I can) but man, give us the choice to do so then. You have a working emulator on the switch, maybe make more of the old games more accessible? Literally the only old Pokemon game I can play on the switch is PMD. I wanna play RSE, or GSC, or FRLG. Come on.

I just wanna play my old DS and GBA games man. 😭
I wish Nintendo made their old games much more accessible. I'm really sad they had to take down free ROMs online and then just. Not make these old games accessible anymore? They don't even reproduce games physically anymore, and digitally these old games are far and few in between. The only legit way to replay most of these games is to buy them secondhand, and even then Nintendo gets none of the cut. I'm not against playing legally but man, give us the choice to do so then. You have a working emulator on the switch, maybe make more of the old games more accessible? Literally the only old Pokemon game I can play on the switch is PMD. I wanna play RSE, or GSC, or FRLG. Come on.

I just wanna play my old DS and GBA games man. 😭
I feel you. I’ve been waiting for Nintendo to add Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing to NSO for over three years. By law, they do have the right to go after third-party emulators that pirate their games, but the fact that they refuse to release some older games when they release other older games isn’t a good business practice and is a good way to lose retro gamers as customers.
I feel you. I’ve been waiting for Nintendo to add Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing to NSO for over three years. By law, they do have the right to go after third-party emulators that pirate their games, but the fact that they refuse to release some older games when they release other older games isn’t a good business practice and is a good way to lose retro gamers as customers.
Yea, I dunno man. They have every right to take down the old games because of copyright, but it still doesn't make sense why they're so focused on copyrighting and then not doing anything else about these games in their possession. When I first heard about the emulators coming to switch I was so hyped, but seeing the game selections was a real letdown because I was like... that's it?

They'll maybe add more in the future but I dunno. With Switch 2 on the horizon I'm sure the emulators are not on their priority list at all, and I doubt they'll be adding a significant amount of retro games in the future. Really just overall disappointed with their decisions to let their old games slowly rot. Again I would really love to play their old games however I can, but gatekeeping them to the max is just a huge letdown.
I just woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all?
Even though, I did sleep, but I now feel utterly tired and wish I didn;t have to go in, just so I could go back to sleep, dunno if I get a chance to sleep once I get back.
I wish Nintendo made their old games much more accessible. I'm really sad they had to take down free ROMs online and then just. Not make these old games accessible anymore? They don't even reproduce games physically anymore, and digitally these old games are far and few in between. The only legit way to replay most of these games is to buy them secondhand, and even then Nintendo gets none of the cut. I'm not against playing legally (and trust me, I'm not a regular pirate, I support developers as much as I can) but man, give us the choice to do so then. You have a working emulator on the switch, maybe make more of the old games more accessible? Literally the only old Pokemon game I can play on the switch is PMD. I wanna play RSE, or GSC, or FRLG. Come on.

I just wanna play my old DS and GBA games man. 😭
Yeah I don't get it. The NSO for the most part is just so underused and crap. I get that it's only $20, but at least when it was free during the Wii and Wii U era they had the virtual shop where you could buy a bunch of the older titles. That list is waaaaay bigger than anything they have on the new NSO virtual app. They literally cherry-picked titles, often obscure ones that one on asked for. Spanky Quest? What even is that? That's what we got one month when Japan got Mother 3 and was eating good with their picks.

That's not even going into how we pay online services to have the privilege to use our own connection to play all of their online games. We're at the mercy over everyone having a good connection or everyone suffers because it's P2P and not real dedicated servers.

I feel you. I’ve been waiting for Nintendo to add Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing to NSO for over three years. By law, they do have the right to go after third-party emulators that pirate their games, but the fact that they refuse to release some older games when they release other older games isn’t a good business practice and is a good way to lose retro gamers as customers.
Oh dang, I thought DK64 was on the NSO? I don't pay for the NSO+ so I didn't know. I remember when it was first introduced that a lot of the titles had terrible frame rate/input lag, incorrect resolution, missing effects ect. They may have fixed them now, but for $40 a year or more they should've done some testing before pushing it on the public.

Hopefully they release it soon or maybe it's coming with Switch 2? I wonder if they're going to carry this all over with Switch 2. Given their track record with online they might do something stupid. I don't like that a lot of their online features are locked behind using phone apps. I don't get why they can't just have a lot of those features already built into the system. It's very gatekeeping. Not everyone is privileged enough to own a decent phone.

I just woke up feeling like I hadn't slept at all?
Even though, I did sleep, but I now feel utterly tired and wish I didn;t have to go in, just so I could go back to sleep, dunno if I get a chance to sleep once I get back.
Ugh I hate that! I hope you're able to get a lot of sleep later tonight or maybe a nap after work or wherever you're going. I remember one day waking up and feeling so exhausted. So I figured I still had a lot of time only to see it was 4am on my clock and I would need to get up in 5 minutes. It's so dreadful. I totally get that, I just wanted to go back to sleep and not deal with work that day.
Ugh I hate that! I hope you're able to get a lot of sleep later tonight or maybe a nap after work or wherever you're going. I remember one day waking up and feeling so exhausted. So I figured I still had a lot of time only to see it was 4am on my clock and I would need to get up in 5 minutes. It's so dreadful. I totally get that, I just wanted to go back to sleep and not deal with work that day.
I did just awake from a nap actually, XD gave myself an hour sleep.
I think I am feeling a tiny bit better, just trying to awake up a bit. Maybe it was my body telling me I needed more beforehand.
I feel like when you have a family that isn’t afraid to speak their mind about you, it dampens your self-esteem. It sounds like a good thing at first, but not when people treat you like you’re stupid. “Common sense,” they’d always tell me. They think I should know everything by now, but I don’t.

TBF I’ve made plenty of mistakes before, but it’s gotten to a point where my family is getting very tired of me doing that. And I’m just as tired of being constantly let down, even when I end up getting that tiny speck of motivation.
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I feel you. I’ve been waiting for Nintendo to add Donkey Kong 64 and Diddy Kong Racing to NSO for over three years. By law, they do have the right to go after third-party emulators that pirate their games, but the fact that they refuse to release some older games when they release other older games isn’t a good business practice and is a good way to lose retro gamers as customers.
I'm particularly mad about the fact that you can't even own these games anymore. at least with Virtual Console you could buy a game, and you'd own it. nowadays they make you pay for a license to play the game. you don't own it. they're practically encouraging piracy at that point.
I saw someone on a server talking about how Steven Universe shoves LGBT themes at kids.

I just told them “lol no you’re wrong” (because I refuse benefit of the doubt on this) but just… months ago here or even there I was saying I’m sick of more people posting thinly veiled queerphobia online and yeah we’re just there now. Screw this.
Whenever I'm relatively content or even half happy my balloon always gets burst. I am really sick and tired of this. I always get the 'You're overreacting', 'I didn't mean it like that' or my personal favourite - which is 99 times out of 100 guaranteed 'It's not your time of the month, is it?' line. They always doubt me which causes me to doubt myself. I did something to help them a few weeks ago and they had to check it to make sure it was done right. They were reluctant to admit it, but it was done correctly. 😒
I really don't wanna say too much about it, but I feel ignored and that bothers me.

Time also feels so slow, and I'm beginning to doubt I'll be able to see a movie I'm excited to watch on my preferred date. I could ride a bus to the mall and get a ticket on my own, but my parents won't let me do that even though we have one near us; not until my mom teaches me, at least. ;-;
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I saw someone on a server talking about how Steven Universe shoves LGBT themes at kids.

I just told them “lol no you’re wrong” (because I refuse benefit of the doubt on this) but just… months ago here or even there I was saying I’m sick of more people posting thinly veiled queerphobia online and yeah we’re just there now. Screw this.
That sounds like the person is from the alt-right. Next time you see comments like these, report them.
I almost put this in the random thoughts thread, because I don't mind responses and it doesn't necessarily bother me as in upset me, but it is annoying so I came here.
So, this is the second time I had this, phenomenon. I randomly woke up and saw spider(s) crawling towards me. Real as anything. I back off, turn on my phone light and look for them. They aren't there. Then, I sit there trying to figure out if it really happened and they are still hiding somewhere, or if it was a dream thing. The first time I was able to conclude that it was a dream as I cannot see without my glasses but saw the spider clearly. The second time, the "spiders" were close to my face so... It doesn't matter that I saw them clearly. Since I could not find them and they were multiple, so what are the chances, I assume they were a dream. I just hope this doesn't become a thing... How annoying.
I'm so drained. I fell asleep before 9pm last night and was still exhausted when my alarm went off for work. Only way to describe how I feel when waking up in the mornings right now is like the flu, or a really bad hangover, but it passes within an hour or so.

Living with multiple (five, and expecting a sixth diagnosis) chronic illnesses is tough. I'm in and out of hospital so frequently at the moment. And emotional/mental stress exacerbates them.

On that note, I found out Granddad's cremation is on Wednesday. I'm hoping that once the cremation has happened I can just start feeling more human again. That period of limbo when someone close to you passes but hasn't been put to rest is tough.