What's Bothering You?

The two eaglets I watch on Southwest Florida Eagle cam passed away unexpectedly. They had seizures. I decided to listen to this ABBA song in remembrance.
It’s recently been revealed that the eaglets tested positive for the bird flu. Poor babies. And they can’t test their parents bc they are constantly in flight.

Birds of prey are also more likely to get this disease.
I'm particularly mad about the fact that you can't even own these games anymore. at least with Virtual Console you could buy a game, and you'd own it. nowadays they make you pay for a license to play the game. you don't own it. they're practically encouraging piracy at that point.
Yeah it's annoying. Lots are paying a subscription to play these classics, but once that service ends it's gone. I've been actually wondering the same about New Horizon. They never released a 2.0 version of the game. So what's their plan with that? 10 years from now we'll just have the incomplete 2020 launch version?
Just rambling about my mom again
My mom has been incredibly fussy lately and I can't help but think she's losing her mind. Her mom passed from dementia so it's possible. She started crying and screaming over the newspaper this morning and I had to take it away. It was a picture of a woman and her baby in the Congo dealing with war and my mom could not handle it. We already can't watch the news cause she will have a full blown meltdown over anything sad. I showed her goats on Instagram until she was smiling again but I am very drained and feeling guilty about being drained.
Never good enough for anyone or anything, I think :")
I feel this way more and more extreme lately. I don't think I can do anything right, no matter how hard I desperately try. I don't have anything to offer to my loved ones, or the ones I care about. Which makes me feel so utterly useless. I don't think there's anything I'm good at, to show everyone I care about that I love them.

I got my hair done today, and as much as I love it.. all of the weight I've gained just makes me feel.. :") Not great at all. I really took advantage of being 200 lbs, because now that I'm 270 lbs, I don't know what to do with myself. I called myself fat at 200, so now what am I :^/ I used to look so slim.. now everytime I take a picture of myself I feel like.. nauseated. I have severe body dysmorphia and a potential eating disorder according to my therapist, so that's cool too I guess :lemon: Everything is fine, haha. Everything is so fine.
I don't know much about tourettes aside from you guys sadly getting a bad rap, but you are right that touching your face may be a factor as well.

Yeah hah! We do get a bad rap, because people who make TV shows or movies always focus on the extreme for comedic purposes. Most people with tourettes syndrome don't randomly yell curse words. It's an extreme situation in which that happens. But the entertainment industry loves to use that for a laugh.

The rest of us just have what most people would call "nervous tics". (Hard blinking of the eyes often, sniffing, clearing throats, rolling of the shoulders... there are a lot more....).

I would prefer not to go into more detail at this time, but I want to thank you for giving me skincare advice! I believe I can still learn a few things, but I don't think this thread is the place to continue on.

Feel free to PM me, or... if you think it would help others, start a new thread about skincare? You can reference me to get it started! Either way, I really appreciate you @seliph for helping! Thank you!
This person I'm trading cards with just sent out my cards without double checking with me that they wrote the address correct after I had asked them to fix it. Hopefully there are no issues and my mail carrier is pretty great about slightly off spellings of my address but I have has mail returned to sender before for having even just one letter off (for example: if they spelled center as centre). Also another person was supposed to confirm that they received my items so that I can get my proof but they haven't, even though I gave them a discount and was very flexible about their demands. Today I checked and saw they did it for someone else. And this third person has been ghosting me and leaving me on read. I'd be totally fine with them backing out, just let me know, you know? Then I can move on to someone else.
Been waiting an hour for my boss to get here, yous think I could go since the other coworker is here but no.
And I won't be paid for this cause I already got paid for the month, I'm just gonna sit here and let the other guy work, this job continues to rival my awful experience from my old job and I'm sick of it.
Nintendo added a new N64 game to Nintendo Switch Online. But it’s not Donkey Kong 64.

I’m starting to wonder, what is Nintendo’s aversion to adding DK64? Is it really because of the emulation issues?
my anxiety was acting pretty bad last night that i started crying for hours... had to call my parents who were abroad cuz i hated being alone w my thoughts. i'm just, really sick physically and mentally on top of having to review 8-10 hours daily so i think the stress is causing so many of my symptoms and i genuinely feel unwell. i checked up w my doctor yesterday and he told me i had no alarming symptoms yet which relieved me a little, but then night came and i started becoming really anxious because what if my doctor didnt understand me? what if it's something worse than what we think it is? but then i called my parents and they helped me calm down. said that it'd probably be better if i were on anxiolytics because ive been having so much trouble with anxiety and sleeping at night. my stress so whack that my body is refusing to get a good night sleep and my hormones are acting bad and my head is just aching every day. im also feeling more tired than usual but that's probably because i've been eating less recently and during erratic times too. kinda bummed because i really like our current topic in my review sesh, but i genuinely cant focus because ive been very very tired.

anyway uh now im trying to rest and go on a diet. i tried lessening my food intake this week and it did kinda help relieve my stomach pain so that's a positive, but i do need to eat smaller snacks in between because suddenly changing my diet is kinda making me feel fatigued. next week me and mom are going to go grocery to buy me some healthier food options too.

sorry if this post was a mess i just kept adding to it lol
Nintendo added a new N64 game to Nintendo Switch Online. But it’s not Donkey Kong 64.

I’m starting to wonder, what is Nintendo’s aversion to adding DK64? Is it really because of the emulation issues?
It's crazy that it's not on there yet, I thought it was. And also apparently Diddy Kong racing. But the game we got is some obscure racing game? They could've dropped Diddy Kong racing instead. I'm sure that would've got more people wanting to play it then some racing game that was realistic for its time but is now outdated.
It's crazy that it's not on there yet, I thought it was. And also apparently Diddy Kong racing. But the game we got is some obscure racing game? They could've dropped Diddy Kong racing instead. I'm sure that would've got more people wanting to play it then some racing game that was realistic for its time but is now outdated.
Donkey Kong 64 was higher in demand than most retro games Nintendo considered (and it had multi-colored collectibles like the colored bananas). At least they added another high-demand game last October (Banjo-Tooie) instead of some weird third-party title (like Snowboard Kids, which I am interested into playing).

Now I am asking for not just DK64 and DKR. I’m also asking for the GameCube app.
i just lost my bandori account because i accidently took a screenshot of the title screen instead of my ID and password. this would be merely trivial if the account did not have over 3 years of progress behind it.... HOW COULD I BE THIS STUPID???!?!?!?!?!?,,ugh.........why. how is this possible.