You absolutely should make them aware. Most colleges and universities are more than happy to provide extra support for those who need it, provided that they are informed about it. Your teachers cannot help you if you do not explicitly tell them!just found out that I was supposed to be doing extra curricular sketches for my art class this whole time and I didn't even know. apparently it's in the syllabus but even though I have read the syllabus somehow I missed that. so this weekend I have to go get my sketchbook at the art hall and spend an entire day just half-assing sketches for each week of class so that I don't fail the class.
I'm honest to god wondering if I should tell all my professors next semester about my mental disorders and how I need important instructions explicitly and verbally noted to be. I'm so tired if constantly doing bad in school because the system seems to be rigged against people with mental health disorders. it's bull****.
just found out that I was supposed to be doing extra curricular sketches for my art class this whole time and I didn't even know. apparently it's in the syllabus but even though I have read the syllabus somehow I missed that. so this weekend I have to go get my sketchbook at the art hall and spend an entire day just half-assing sketches for each week of class so that I don't fail the class.
I'm honest to god wondering if I should tell all my professors next semester about my mental disorders and how I need important instructions explicitly and verbally noted to be. I'm so tired if constantly doing bad in school because the system seems to be rigged against people with mental health disorders. it's bull****.
the reason why I haven't told them up to this point is because I'm under the mindset that I shouldn't tell anyone about my disabilities unless/until they become an issue. I hate making excuses for myself and I don't like the idea of getting "special treatment." Plus this far into the semester I feel like it would be a bit embarrassing to tell professors my situation. but it really is becoming a problem now and I probably should talk to them.You absolutely should make them aware. Most colleges and universities are more than happy to provide extra support for those who need it, provided that they are informed about it. Your teachers cannot help you if you do not explicitly tell them!
Think of it less as receiving special treatment, and more as levelling the playing field. If there is something in your life that puts you at a disadvantage compared to other students then it's only fair you receive additional help to balance that out.the reason why I haven't told them up to this point is because I'm under the mindset that I shouldn't tell anyone about my disabilities unless/until they become an issue. I hate making excuses for myself and I don't like the idea of getting "special treatment." Plus this far into the semester I feel like it would be a bit embarrassing to tell professors my situation. but it really is becoming a problem now and I probably should talk to them.
just found out that I was supposed to be doing extra curricular sketches for my art class this whole time and I didn't even know. apparently it's in the syllabus but even though I have read the syllabus somehow I missed that. so this weekend I have to go get my sketchbook at the art hall and spend an entire day just half-assing sketches for each week of class so that I don't fail the class.
I'm honest to god wondering if I should tell all my professors next semester about my mental disorders and how I need important instructions explicitly and verbally noted to be. I'm so tired if constantly doing bad in school because the system seems to be rigged against people with mental health disorders. it's bull****.
the reason why I haven't told them up to this point is because I'm under the mindset that I shouldn't tell anyone about my disabilities unless/until they become an issue. I hate making excuses for myself and I don't like the idea of getting "special treatment." Plus this far into the semester I feel like it would be a bit embarrassing to tell professors my situation. but it really is becoming a problem now and I probably should talk to them.
Make sure to check places you've visited or shopped from, sometime they sell your info straight out and makes bot send out that kinda of junk. Also make sure to block them.i’ve also been getting tons of election spam from both sides. They don’t have my name right, so they shouldn’t have my number. I know it is important to vote especially now, but I don’t appreciate spam calls (the trump ones pissed me more off). Also, I already voted. So leave me alone ><.
Make sure to check places you've visited or shopped from, sometime they sell your info straight out and makes bot send out that kinda of junk. Also make sure to block them.
Or make your number hidden if possible.
Ah okay, just checking cause leaving phone or card numbers anywhere without removing info is a sure way to get them. But yeah maybe check what stuff you've visited, but yeah otherwise it's probably random.i haven’t bought from anyone except amazon and a couple months ago gamestop (used a gift card there) though not with my account (my mom lets us use hers) since I don’t have amazon prime anymore. Since we order from them a lot, even if we don’t, i don’t think there’s anything i can do about these calls.
I block any numbers i don’t recognize yet i still get them. I think it has gotten worse within the last couple of years.
I recently had this issue except with scammers so I had to change my phone number after trying to block people didn't work. I would wake up with 8 missed calls from random numbers and there was nothing I could do anymore. It sucked cause I had that number since grade 8. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Hopefully you find a solution and you don't have to change your number like I did.i haven’t bought from anyone except amazon and a couple months ago gamestop (used a gift card there) though not with my account since I don’t have amazon prime anymore.
I block any numbers i don’t recognize yet i still get them. I think it has gotten worse within the last couple of years.
Does your school have a disability services/outreach type of thing? Mine did and they were very good about advocating for students with disabilities. If you're uncomfortable approaching your professors by yourself I would look into that.the reason why I haven't told them up to this point is because I'm under the mindset that I shouldn't tell anyone about my disabilities unless/until they become an issue. I hate making excuses for myself and I don't like the idea of getting "special treatment." Plus this far into the semester I feel like it would be a bit embarrassing to tell professors my situation. but it really is becoming a problem now and I probably should talk to them.
my college does have a disability services department. that's how I got approved for a single room as well as an emotional support animal. I think I'm just gonna talk with all mmy professors tomorrow and let them know what's going on.Does your school have a disability services/outreach type of thing? Mine did and they were very good about advocating for students with disabilities. If you're uncomfortable approaching your professors by yourself I would look into that.
Also don't feel bad about asking for help, it's not "special treatment"-- it's just asking for accommodations to better suit you and your situation.
Good luck! I know it's scary but I'm rooting for you. And good luck on your paper too, hopefully you can get everything you need to do college does have a disability services department. that's how I got approved for a single room as well as an emotional support animal. I think I'm just gonna talk with all mmy professors tomorrow and let them know what's going on.
also regarding bunches of schoolwork, apparently our research paper for history is due monday???? like bruh you serioudly expect me to have this research paper done my Monday when the library still hasnt sent me the book I need to even do the research??