What's Bothering You?

I’m scared to even admit that I’m scared of you...and that’s a problem.
I'm so sorry to hear this! Have you taken her to a vet? If not, I would highly recommend you do so as soon as absolutely possible if she is not drinking on her own. Hydration is extremely important, as I'm sure you know. I'm glad to hear you're giving her water, good job! Try to keep her as hydrated as possible. Two quick things you may want to look at: Pinch the skin (not too hard but firmly) on the back of her neck and pull it upwards a little, then let it go. If it stays there and doesn't go back down in place, that would indicate dehydration. Be sure her gums are pink and have good color. If she's curling up with you, chances are it's for her comfort, so she may still not feel well or she might feel fine, no telling. I hope you can get her to a vet soon! :(💕

edit: typos

Thank you so much and for the tips 😊. My cat is doing much better now and is drinking and eating on her own. We will be keeping an eye on her still but yeah if she still wasn’t feeling good this morning we would have made a vet appointment first thing.

awe no! i hope she feels better, soon; i know how worrying an unwell cat can be :c ❤

Thanks so much; I appreciate the kind wishes and so does my kitty. :) She is feeling much better today.
Yesterday I cooked my boyfriend a nice dinner and he found a longish blue hair in his mashed potatoes. There's only one fool I know with blue hair 😅 it's okay though he still ate his dinner and didn't even bug me about it. Normally we like opportunities to pick on each other lol.
OOOFFF soo TODAY was this audition thing for this new, upcoming ballet company which is (in a sense) associated with my the ballet company i'm currently enrolled in... so... if you want into the company, you gotta audition, right???
well, the auditions were alright... sorta... it was like a normal class - only longer - and there were 12 other girls, most of whom were in a higher level of ballet than me (i've been taking ballet for 6 years, the oldest girl there has been taking for maybe 11, possibly more).

This audition starts out easy - the instructor doesn't really instruct us, just sorta tells us what to do and expects us to go along with it (which is fair, since it's an audition). and then later into the class, when we're doing combos and choreography center-floor, the instructor decides to split us up into groups,,,,, there were diff groups for diff things, BUT. HERE'S THE super incredibly frikin ANNOYING THING,,,, she sorta put the younger girls (me and my class mates, who are quite obviously less experienced than the others) with eachother - and the higher level, better girls together in groups ........... but my classmates and i sorta, like, SUCKED??? reason WHY is because we're used to having a solid 2-3 minutes to learn the combos, and in this case we -didn't- and we also didn't have anyone to guide us (which we're also used to) sooo

garbagio hermano
anyway now i'm really pissed off. i don;t even wanna play videogames :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(
So I was doing my assignments that I am supposed to finish before the end of the day until out of no where, my computer contracted a virus (maybe I had too many tabs open?) and my computer went haywire for a while. I quickly tried to remove it with Windows Defender but ended up having to download Malwarebytes in order to get rid of it completely. I might have to reinstall Chrome because now it says it is "Managed by an Organization" even though I'm using the internet at my house.

Does anyone know of a free antivirus program I an use? It feels like Windows Defender doesn't do anything because even if it says the threats are removed, I had to use Malwarebytes and even it has a trial duration.
Thank you so much and for the tips 😊. My cat is doing much better now and is drinking and eating on her own. We will be keeping an eye on her still but yeah if she still wasn’t feeling good this morning we would have made a vet appointment first thing.
You're most welcome! I'm so glad to hear that! 🥰
mom came in to help me with something and it turned into nag fest. how can you live like this? she just doesn’t get it that the more pressure she puts one me, the less likely I am going to do it or want to do it and i was already frustrated not being able to find any eggs. :/ you think i like myself or how i live? honestly when she guilts trips me like that it makes me hate myself.
mom came in to help me with something and it turned into nag fest. how can you live like this? she just doesn’t get it that the more pressure she puts one me, the less likely i am going to do it. and i was already frustrated not being able to find any eggs. :/ you think i like myself or how i live? honestly when she guilts trips me like that it makes me hate myself.
my mom is like that too ;-; and my dad
i was pissed off this morning (i posted why, if you hadn't seen) and my dad pressured me to talk and then got pissed when i wouldn't : ) what a nice, loving parent

yeahhh, sorry ab ur mom,,,, you might wanna talk it out with her - good to communicate, y'know,,,, especially if you're an adult
my mom is like that too ;-; and my dad
i was pissed off this morning (i posted why, if you hadn't seen) and my dad pressured me to talk and then got pissed when i wouldn't : ) what a nice, loving parent

yeahhh, sorry ab ur mom,,,, you might wanna talk it out with her - good to communicate, y'know,,,, especially if you're an adult

thanks for listening and saying this; sorry. I haven’t checked in here for awhile. I’m sorry about your situation. sounds a lot like my dad. she is just being a mom and i love her.
My mom is the only one i talk to. I’ve tried telling her how i feel and tried telling her about my anxiety and what i can’t do but she doesn’t buy it. :/
thanks. she is just being a mom and i love her.
My mom is the only one i talk to. I’ve tried telling her how i feel and tried telling her about my anxiety and what i can’t do but she doesn’t buy it. :/
well, if your mom genuinely doesn't understand your severe anxiety, you might need to like talk to a professional together or something like that (sorta like dr. phil i guess). because it's hard to maintain a relationships when the 2 sides don't understand eachother perfectly :/ either that or just accept that your mom loves you but doesn't get it (which might be a bad idea, but definitely cheaper than the therapist option)
well, if your mom genuinely doesn't understand your severe anxiety, you might need to like talk to a professional together or something like that (sorta like dr. phil i guess). because it's hard to maintain a relationships when the 2 sides don't understand eachother perfectly :/ either that or just accept that your mom loves you but doesn't get it (which might be a bad idea, but definitely cheaper than the therapist option)

i have a psychiatrist and I need a new one and i have tried counseling and i hated it. they didn’t help give me suggestions or work with me or anything and they always kinda creeped me off. Thanks for the suggestions. i still need to do some testing asperger’s but covid has made that difficult. thanks for listening. I’ll get over this. I just am really upset now :/
GODDDDDD my grandmother sucks. so my mom’s been in the hospital for almost a week now for health issues that have been ailing her for over a year and my grandmother literally has no sympathy???? like at all????? my mother would be on the couch in pain or be in the bathroom crying and my grandmother would just be like “🙄” the whole time. she’s *****ed about my mother needing things brought to her like yOU WANTED HER TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL???????????????? YOU BEGGED HER TO GO AND SHE WENT AND YOU’RE STILL ****ING AROUND?????????????????? i just got off the phone with my mother and the first thing my grandmother says to me is “they can keep her there until she’s in a better mood” YOU **** YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST PESSIMISTIC AND IGNORANT PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET ARE YOU KIDDING ME. MY MOTHER HAS DRIVEN YOU TO EVERY DOCTORS APPOINTMENT AND NURSED YOU WHEN YOU INJURED YOUR BACK AND HAS DEFENDED YOUR **** FOR Y E A R S AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO???????????? MY MOTHER HAS HAD DELIBERATING AND EMBARRASSING HEALTH ISSUES FOR OVER A YEAR NOW, WHY WOULD SHE BE IN A GOOD MOOD????? SHES ALLOWED TO CRY AND SCREAM BECAUSE SHE’S IN PAIN AND THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HAS FAILED HER FOR SO LONG.

i miss my mother more than anything and i want her home. i haven’t hugged her in almost a week and i’m so devastated by this. i wanted my mother to go to the hospital and i’m glad that she’s there and getting some sort of help but god i miss her so bad and i cannot tolerate my grandmother’s selfishness and indifference to her own child. she’s referred to my mother as “childish” just because she admitted that she’s in pain; you’ve told my mother about all of your health problems, even the gross stuff, and you have been met with nothing but sympathy. you get “mommy, i’m so sorry” and she gets “she’s childish”? are you joking. i’m so angry. i hate you so much for being so horrible to your own damn daughter. you’re the same woman who looked at your young child while driving in the car and told her “if you weren’t here, i’d crash the car right now”. i’m so infuriated. you are a garbage human being and i hate you with every fibre of my being. i want my mom and i want you gone
Oh man @xara :( i’m so sorry. sorry doesn’t even express how much i feel your pain. I wish there was something i could say to help you with this; if i had magic powers and make your situation, i’d do it in a heart beat. My thoughts and wishes go out to you and your mom. I’m sorry there isn’t much else I can say that would help. I’m always here for you if you need to chat; it doesn’t have to be about this. I’d be happy to talk about fun stuff to help you cope and distract yourself. Thanks for worrying about my kitty earlier in spite of your tough circumstances. I really hope things get better for you.

I feel better about my earlier post; still frustrated with my mom even though i talked to her and asked her to try to understand, but still didn’t like her response or how she took it.
Oh man @xara :( i’m so sorry. sorry doesn’t even express how much i feel your pain. I wish there was something i could say to help you with this; if i had magic powers and make your situation, i’d do it in a heart beat. My thoughts and wishes go out to you and your mom. I’m sorry there isn’t much else I can say that would help. I’m always here for you if you need to chat; it doesn’t have to be about this. I’d be happy to talk about fun stuff to help you cope and distract yourself. Thanks for worrying about my kitty earlier in spite of your tough circumstances. I really hope things get better for you.

I feel better about my earlier post; still frustrated with my mom even though i talked to her and asked her to try to understand, but still didn’t like her response or how she took it.

thank you c’: i feel a little better after my outburst but i’m still uh,, pretty peeved aha. i’m sorry about your situation, too; my mom can be pretty insensitive to my mental health struggles, too, despite us literally having the same diagnoses and it stings when the people close to us won’t or can’t understand. but you’re doing the best you can and i’m proud of you, no matter what your mom says c’:
My mom had her coworkers visit our house and they brought their 2 dogs, really cute and well-behaved dogs... except for the fact that I learned that it looked like they were about to tear her apart. She ran into my room with her tail bushed with her eyes wild, and my dad said to lock her in my room and said that the dogs are trying to kill her. My cat didn’t come out of my room for hours and was hiding in my sister’s closet. She gets so scared and I wish that my mom would have communicated with her coworkers that we have a very shy cat, but it didn’t cross my mind that she would come out after a while with the dogs chasing her...
My dog Tucker was bitten by an un-leashed Pitt Bull and died. The owner picked up his dog and drove away. On top of that one of my moms was injured in the attack. While two people came to help, the other 10 or so witnesses did nothing. The police are still looking for the culprit. My hatred for this town is even deeper than before.