What's Bothering You?

I forgot since my coworker is going to be out tomorrow and I come in at 11 there will be no one to cover my morning report. Whoops... That completely slipped my mind with how hectic things have been lately. I may be in for a bit of a rude awakening tomorrow. Praying my team lead is aware of this and assists but I'm not allowed to just sign in early to do work. I'll have to send her a message early in the morning.
Can't sleep. In the mood for some midnight mischief. (It's 1 a.m. here.) It's almost Halloween, too, so the spoopy spirits must be getting a hold of me...
I finally got up early for once, but I kept waking up throughout the night. What’s the point in trying to sleep if you‘re just going to keep waking up throughout the night? This part of being an adult sucks. :(

Happened to me last night too. I really needed a full night's sleep since my last night's worry came true and I had to sign in an hour early to do my report since no one else could.
Thinking about cutting the rest of my classes again. At least I attended two - two more than usual. I don't feel engaged, and I certainly do not feel supported. All these years I've basically been called a slut, crazy, stupid, disobedient, lesbian, communist, democrat... thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Yeah I'm not forgetting that time my grandma pretty much called me promiscuous all because I spent time with a guy friend at the movies; not forgetting all those times you guys drove me up the wall with your antics by saying that I'm out to get you all. Thanks, everyone. Not believing that I can become a psychologist? Bashing me for coming back home? Telling me that I can't make it and would go out homeless just like my deadbeat dad? I'm not gonna be like anything you said I would be. Just you ****ing watch.
I was suppose to work graveyard shift again tonight but my works dispatch just called to cancel my shift. I had already made a lunch and was about to nap so now my schedule feels off.
I hate that I get assigned daily homework. I just got assigned so much for tomorrow and I have so many other things to do. Guess I’m staying up late tonight getting it done.

she's gonna take that as ammo and will keep on going on and on about how pretty she is or some ****ing ****. Why do you not realize this??????? "OF COURSE IM MORE PRETTIER THAN YOU!!" She literally said that to YOU, grandma. Are you ****ing ****ting me? Is it cause you guys keep wanting me to be the scapegoat? I'm like him, I'm like so-and-so.... sometimes I get so tired of all the pent of resentment and anger. Sometimes it just fuels me up at random times. Tried to use it as motivation but it doesn't really work. For me I'm more productive when I'm able to calm myself down and.... I can't really use anger to my advantage too well sometimes, because then I'll get so tired. I haven't done anything today other than make it to a couple of classes. I'm just tired.
I just scored 8 points out of 100 on my history exam because I lost internet connection through my wired network, (which means this had nothing to do with the WiFi) for less than a minute. I tried to resume the exam, but it said that I had already turned it in hence the 8 points fml 🙃 who in their right mind would answer less than 10 questions on a 50 question exam and call it a day?! Why don't they have something already in place for these kind of situations? I e-mailed my professor right away, but it's a bit late so I'm afraid he won't see it until tomorrow, which means I'm going to be stressing about it until he replies. Relying on technology is a double edged sword...
My cat hasn’t been feeling good all day. On top of that she smells and I had to clean her. She wouldn’t drink water when i put her by it and wouldn’t leave my room so i used a dropper to put some water in her. she just curled up next to me in my arms even though i told her no (i don’t want her to get more on my bed or on my arm) so I hope that means she is starting to feel better. :/
My cat hasn’t been feeling good all day. On top of that she smells and I had to clean her. She wouldn’t drink water when i put her by it and wouldn’t leave my room so i used a dropper to put some water in her. she just curled up next to me in my arms even though i told her no (i don’t want her to get more on my bed or on my arm) so I hope that means she is starting to feel better. :/
I'm so sorry to hear this! Have you taken her to a vet? If not, I would highly recommend you do so as soon as absolutely possible if she is not drinking on her own. Hydration is extremely important, as I'm sure you know. I'm glad to hear you're giving her water, good job! Try to keep her as hydrated as possible. Two quick things you may want to look at: Pinch the skin (not too hard but firmly) on the back of her neck and pull it upwards a little, then let it go. If it stays there and doesn't go back down in place, that would indicate dehydration. Be sure her gums are pink and have good color. If she's curling up with you, chances are it's for her comfort, so she may still not feel well or she might feel fine, no telling. I hope you can get her to a vet soon! :(💕

edit: typos
this aqw dude like wow sorry for being nice -_-

also can i get my package like today??!
My cat hasn’t been feeling good all day. On top of that she smells and I had to clean her. She wouldn’t drink water when i put her by it and wouldn’t leave my room so i used a dropper to put some water in her. she just curled up next to me in my arms even though i told her no (i don’t want her to get more on my bed or on my arm) so I hope that means she is starting to feel better. :/

awe no! i hope she feels better, soon; i know how worrying an unwell cat can be :c ❤️