What's Bothering You?

When someone insists they want to be a part of something, and makes a big fuss, and you plan for them to attend and then they cancel like two hours before, not because they are sick or something but because they magically want to do something else all of a sudden.
Yes this is the worst, like it's socially acceptable or something. I really hate this behaviour with all my soul.
Just incredibly mad at my so called Mom. I want to throw my phone against the wall, I am so freaking mad / annoyed. Feels like I didn't take my medicine to calm down yet, but I did and that's what worries me. She managed to make me so mad that the medicine does zero, great
I am just appalled that so many people have gone to the hospital all because they were unvaccinated. They had so much time throughout 2021 to get vaccinated and they never did. The cases in America have become too high that most schools are going back to virtual learning and there is a possible lockdown if these cases don't slow down which at this point it isn't. (sigh) I really wanted to do more things in my life but with this covid nonsense going on there is not much I can do at the moment.
When you're in a conversation with people and you say something wrong and the whole atmosphere has turned awkward but you try and talk some more to fix it and it doesn't work but just keep bringing **** up and you've already said like 15 wrong things and you keep talking and they're so very clearly not into it but you just won't shut the **** up and you literally cannot stop and you just keep talking and everyone is probably cussing you out in their head and you keep ****ing up and making it worse but you still keep talking and on the inside you're like
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Well me and everyone in my household officially has covid. We're all so sick, this sucks.
We all wore masks in public and we're vaccinated. We tried so hard to avoid getting sick but people don't respect social distancing and mask mandates so here we are. >>
Also, I was supposed to take my kitten to get fixed tomorrow but we'll have to postpone.
Well... back to work tomorrow. The holidays were a nice break from the usual stress but it still doesn't feel like nearly enough. I've got a lot of concerns going into this next year. One being finding a different a job. It took me so long just to find my current one and I'm nervous about the process of finding one while already working at a job.
Well me and everyone in my household officially has covid. We're all so sick, this sucks.
We all wore masks in public and we're vaccinated. We tried so hard to avoid getting sick but people don't respect social distancing and mask mandates so here we are. >>
Also, I was supposed to take my kitten to get fixed tomorrow but we'll have to postpone.
Really sorry to hear that. Make sure you stay away from public areas because this new Omicron Variant is so transmissible. I read that the two dose vaccines don't offer much protection against the variant. I was able to get Booster shot back in November 2021 and same with my parents so we are pretty much fine from getting Omicron. But seriously take care of yourself and make sure your loved ones are safe.
Really sorry to hear that. Make sure you stay away from public areas because this new Omicron Variant is so transmissible. I read that the two dose vaccines don't offer much protection against the variant. I was able to get Booster shot back in November 2021 and same with my parents so we are pretty much fine from getting Omicron. But seriously take care of yourself and make sure your loved ones are safe.
Yeah thanks, we're quarantining and getting groceries delivered ect. :)
not all 5 women to perform so far on the masked singer (i haven't reached 6, we're watching on catch-up) losing and the first person who went out yesterday being a woman 😒 last year, i'm pretty sure all of the first three people out were women too. (two of whom were literally sophie ellis baxter and mel b lmao, what?) especially egregious yesterday when donut, who was literally tone deaf, went through. they really picked people with no taste for this, huh.
so uhhhhh I guess my Wii U decided it would be a good idea to just totally wipe all my Super Mario Maker save data lmfao. it's not like I really played it that much anyways but... really? 🙃
luckily none of my other save data is gone so that's good. 3D World still doesn't work at all but whatever.

Well me and everyone in my household officially has covid. We're all so sick, this sucks.
We all wore masks in public and we're vaccinated. We tried so hard to avoid getting sick but people don't respect social distancing and mask mandates so here we are. >>
Also, I was supposed to take my kitten to get fixed tomorrow but we'll have to postpone.
stuff like this makes me more mad that there are ppl out there who are like "lol why are u still wearing a mask" as if covid just completely vanished -__-

stay safe and I hope you and your family get better soon!
stuff like this makes me more mad that there are ppl out there who are like "lol why are u still wearing a mask" as if covid just completely vanished -__-
stay safe and I hope you and your family get better soon!
I mostly blame the misinformation of the media from 2020 and those so called "Anti Mask" Protests for allowing the pandemic to continue for this long.
not all 5 women to perform so far on the masked singer (i haven't reached 6, we're watching on catch-up) losing and the first person who went out yesterday being a woman 😒 last year, i'm pretty sure all of the first three people out were women too. (two of whom were literally sophie ellis baxter and mel b lmao, what?) especially egregious yesterday when donut, who was literally tone deaf, went through. they really picked people with no taste for this, huh.

a woman finally went through 😭 god bless
When someone insists they want to be a part of something, and makes a big fuss, and you plan for them to attend and then they cancel like two hours before, not because they are sick or something but because they magically want to do something else all of a sudden.
Like, that would have been nice to know about yesterday when buying stuff for this.... 😠 Like, this is why we normally don't host things because of this very thing that happens... 🙄 Good thing tickets weren't involved like they were going to be..
Sorry you had to deal with that, but at least you didn't lose out on a lot of money if you didn't pick up the tickets. I used to have a group of friends who would do this all the time. We would set up a plan for something and they'd bail at the last minute. It was always the one person who would make up any excuse and then the rest would just fall apart soon after. Like they were vampires that just wanted to be around because of them.

It varied between the day of, hour of, or even the minute of. The last time was when we had a plan set and I didn't get any contact of any form from said person. I was waiting around and none of them ever showed. Didn't even bother to ask them what was up. I just had enough of their BS and cut them out.

Of course these people would also ditch plans and do something entirely different. I don't want to impose that this is the reason for your situation, but I've just come to the conclusion that I was a fair-weather friend to them. Only around if nothing else comes up, but they'll ditch you the second something does. But they won't tell you so they can keep their options open. They suck and shouldn't have any friends if that is how they're going to treat them.

I was fool at the time and kept them around longer than I should had because my social circle was rather small as it was. Now it's almost nonexistent lol.

Yes this is the worst, like it's socially acceptable or something. I really hate this behaviour with all my soul.
Within the past few years I've noticed it's become a lot more acceptable, when it should not be. People always make excuses for being crappy or defend those that do it. And neither should be acceptable.
My friend dmed me something and ive been stressing about it allllll day and i replied bc i wanna know wtf is up but she still hasnt responded and i cant relax im so stressed
Got in a minor spat with one of my sisters and bil about their lack of picking up their trash after eating.

I lost an hour’s worth of progress in NH. My switch lite slightly flipped upside down when I was getting cozy in bed. All of this happened on my mattress, so I shouldn’t have to worry about any broken pieces. The “catridge cannot be found” message popped up still.

Idk how that even happened since the the cartridge lid was still closed when I checked it out. I guess that the inside is very loose and flimsy.
Tw for sleep paralysis
I feel like i have sleep paralysis when i sleep in the afternoon because everything that happened that time to me are signs of it, which made rest of the day miserable for me
Normally my medication is good at keeping me calm at night, but I’m ruminating really bad right now.

It’s mostly about that former friend who said “you’re less charming over the phone.” I was just doing voice chat with them and they had the gall to say that.

I’m also ruminating about a bad customer service story. I was browsing a bookstore when an employee ran into me. She gave me a disingenuous apology and proceeded to run into my mom. All of a sudden she was really sweet and perky. Then when I went to check stuff out she smirked at me and told her coworker that I was a creep who stared at her (I didn’t).
It's been three days since I wished a friend a happy new year and she still hasn't responded but has found the time to post photos of her boyfriend on social media wishing him a happy birthday. To say I feel heartbroken and used is an understatement right now.