• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

I was listening to a live recording of a podcast the other day and there was a segment where a fan could talk to the host. As he was saying something the host interjected with “I don’t care about your life story!” If he was being serious I feel terrible for the fan. Imagine paying money to see your favorite podcast host and he just acted rude in front of thousands of listeners. Talk about embarrassing…
Came in today to my team lead asking me to do something that I just... can't? The guide is 75 pages and I'm pretty swamped with stuff. Plus she ran into an error that I might run into after spending all that time trying to figure it out. Thanks, but no thanks.
i’m very, very close to becoming a high school dropout. i don’t want to do this. i genuinely don’t think i want my diploma. i know certain workplaces and opportunities won’t have me without it, but i don’t want this. i’m only still in high school because my mother wants me to graduate, but i’m not cut out for this. i’d rather be working. i would literally rather be working and making money, even if it’s not a large amount, instead of doing this. at least i would get something out of working. all i’ve gotten and continue to get out of high school is pure ****ing misery, anxiety, stress and mental breakdowns. it makes me sick both physically and mentally. a diploma is not worth this.

and the fact my mom is already trying to talk to me about college????? like, are you actually insane???? you have seen me have full on anxiety attacks, mental and emotional breakdowns over school ever since elementary, and you want me to do more? when i’m 20 years old and still in high school? i ****ing hate it here. i could literally cry right now.
Words cannot describe how much I want to beat my brother up right now. Both our parents aren't home, so he's taking full advantage by being WAY too loud and bossing me around. I hate how demanding he is, and I hate that I have no choice but to listen to him even though he doesn't listen to me (and I'm the older and more responsible one!!). He's screaming randomly, making obnoxious noises, talking to me non-stop, and doing this overly pretentious sneeze... All at a decibel level of 100! (Well, it certainly feels that away, at least.) I keep telling him to stop, but he just responds with a, "Shut the **** up, you *****!" And I can't even drown him out with music 'cause he wouldn't let me use his headset. He actually took them away from me 'cause I was using it. It sounds so petty, but I cannot stand him right now. :(
i’m very, very close to becoming a high school dropout.
As someone who did drop out of school I'd definitely recommend trying to stick it out until the end if you can. When I figured out what I wanted to do with my life it took me ~4 years to make up for the 1 year of school I missed. As bad as it was, I really wish I had just stuck it out.

I'm deleting this later:
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I can't take it anymore. My brother keeps clapping REALLY loudly next to me and has that stupid ****-eating grin he has when he succeeds at bothering me. Why can't he be a considerate brother and NOT make my life a living hell?
And one of my online friends is getting on my nerves. She keeps asking me to roleplay, which I have told her on multiple occasions that I don't want to. But she won't take the hint and accused me of being rude to her. She says she's disappointed in me 'cause I don't want to do such a pointless activity with her, but no means no and I already apologized.
im sick and coughing ALOT so its hurting my throat. also my ear is clogged of being sick (idek why it clogged my ear ok) so i cant hear out of mt right ear
i’m very, very close to becoming a high school dropout. i don’t want to do this. i genuinely don’t think i want my diploma. i know certain workplaces and opportunities won’t have me without it, but i don’t want this. i’m only still in high school because my mother wants me to graduate, but i’m not cut out for this. i’d rather be working. i would literally rather be working and making money, even if it’s not a large amount, instead of doing this. at least i would get something out of working. all i’ve gotten and continue to get out of high school is pure ****ing misery, anxiety, stress and mental breakdowns. it makes me sick both physically and mentally. a diploma is not worth this.

and the fact my mom is already trying to talk to me about college????? like, are you actually insane???? you have seen me have full on anxiety attacks, mental and emotional breakdowns over school ever since elementary, and you want me to do more? when i’m 20 years old and still in high school? i ****ing hate it here. i could literally cry right now.
I would 100% recommend not going to college if you have a lot of mental health issues. I had to spend all 4 years of college battling depression and anxiety, and it was probably one of the worst times of my life. almost a year later im still recovering from it. it's really not worth paying that much money just to be stressed nonstop.

if you drop out of HS you could always go and get your GED later. I'm not trying to encourage you to drop out but it's not the end of the world if you have to.
i’m very, very close to becoming a high school dropout.
I'd say, first try and get help for your issues and such if you can. Second, as harsh at it might be, try to stay in the time you have left, and if possible work out an environment that will help you. Are you able to live with someone else, get some study help from school, online etc? Most places will require at least high school unless they let you combine reading up on high school with work practice but that might be a thing in my country also.

While you can read up your grades and diploma later I'd better do it in one go and maybe apply for job and figure out things later. I definitely get the stuff about not wanting to go to uni/high school. I was lucky get a university degree in subjects and courses I liked but not everyone might have that opportunity.
we had to get a new modem/router today and my computer can't detect the new internet connection, yet all of my other devices like my phone and Switch can 😐

I'm using my phone's hotspot for now but I need to figure out what to do so I can get my computer connected to wifi. I would use an ethernet cable but there's no way to run one from the router back to the room I'm in.
we had to get a new modem/router today and my computer can't detect the new internet connection, yet all of my other devices like my phone and Switch can 😐

I'm using my phone's hotspot for now but I need to figure out what to do so I can get my computer connected to wifi. I would use an ethernet cable but there's no way to run one from the router back to the room I'm in.
That sucks omg :( I remember having that I think it was DS Lite refused to find my grandpa's router way back yet everything else could use it :/
My seasonal allergies are already hitting me hard. I woke up with red eyes and my face all itchy. I scratched my lips even though I shouldn't have and then they puffed up with hives. Now I have a red ring of rash all around my lips which looks great. All I wanna do is scratch it more and make it worse but instead I took an allergy pill and covered my face is allergy creme.
Everything is okay! I am going to do it tomorrow so do not worry! I just decided to take a break and wanted to vent... I do not know which of my teachers thought that an online computer test where every two seconds 7 digit numbers keep flashing all over the screen and you have to click L or D if they are alike or different. Like I am good at that but we cannot even delete our answer so the minute you click l or d it counts. AND IT GOES SO FAST. It literally made me dizzy so now I am sitting in my room drinking lemonade instead of finishing it... I will just wait until tomorrow :( WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA OKEE?!?!?!??!?
Everything is okay! I am going to do it tomorrow so do not worry! I just decided to take a break and wanted to vent... I do not know which of my teachers thought that an online computer test where every two seconds 7 digit numbers keep flashing all over the screen and you have to click L or D if they are alike or different. Like I am good at that but we cannot even delete our answer so the minute you click l or d it counts. AND IT GOES SO FAST. It literally made me dizzy so now I am sitting in my room drinking lemonade instead of finishing it... I will just wait until tomorrow :( WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA OKEE?!?!?!??!?
I am sorry to hear that, I would go bonkers too if I had to take a test like that. But my question is what the heck that's supposed to test you on, eyesight probability? 🤔
I am sorry to hear that, I would go bonkers too if I had to take a test like that. But my question is what the heck that's supposed to test you on, eyesight probability? 🤔
Its supposed to help with "Numerical Reasoning and Spatial Visualization." I guess it may help!?!? Maybe, I am just happy that I have another chance to learn something new even if it makes me feel sick........
@xara I know it's not what you want to hear, but you are so close to the end of your school year as it is right? I know it sucks and it's not ideal, but you should finish it. I'd get it if it were a few more years, but 3 or so months left is almost the home stretch.

Here in the US most job applications require HS and or a GED is a possibility. It may be different elsewhere/Canada. I never got a GED, I graduated from high-school, but I am sure earning one also requires a lot of time, studying, and so forth. It might just be as much of a hassle as it is currently for you right now. Since you're in a position where you are almost done, I feel it'd be better to see it through to the end.

It is fine if college and further academics is not what you want to do. It's not for everyone. There was this big push in the last few decades for everyone to pursue academics after highschool. Trade/tech schools are also a thing. It's less about 'academic leanings' and more about leaving with a skillset that you can use to get a job. Which is often not the case with college. A lot of people are talking about how that is better than going to college/those kind of academic institutions.

But you can cross that bridge later. I believe you really should stick it out and graduate. I know what I am saying is probably a bit of a downer, but a diploma will only broaden your career chances. Just do your best Xara and we are all here if you need help!