• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's Bothering You?

sometimes i feel bad for having mixed feelings towards my parents.
on one hand, theyre the best parents i could ask for. they care about me, theyre funny, theyre wise, they taught me the things i know today and are the reason why im trying to better myself all the time.
on the other hand, theyre quite... conservative. they're transphobic, homophobic, they want me to get married to a man and have children (im literally wlw but they cant know that), they took away my anxiety medication because they don't want me to get "addicted", and they yell at me for not constantly reading the bible.
i know that if i speak up about these things, our relationship is over. they might completely cut me off or disown me. i just wish i didn't have to hide a part of myself away from them. it sucks.
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My best friends have been leaving me out of things a lot lately. Ever since 7th grade, we've all been inseparable. We did everything together. The two of them were friends before I came into the picture, so they knew each other already. In 7th grade, I introduced myself to them and they always included me in everything. Years later, we've drifted. Today we all hung out, but they were talking about stuff they were going to do together. They barely even acknowledged my presence. It really hurt being left out. They're really the only close friends I have, so I don't want to lose them. I'm just really hurt by it all.
My grandpa just had a heart attack. My grandma called and she sounded hysterical, then I heard my dad running down the stairs and saying, "Grandpa had a heart attack!" (but in French). He just drove to my grandparent's house. I seriously hope that my grandpa will be okay...
My grandpa just had a heart attack. My grandma called and she sounded hysterical, then I heard my dad running down the stairs and saying, "Grandpa had a heart attack!" (but in French). He just drove to my grandparent's house. I seriously hope that my grandpa will be okay...
So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
I just read a really helpful tip on art but it also made me worried about sharing my art there since I am using official art from ffxii as my references and the pose and everything (though not perfect) are based on it. The tweet said it is okay to take inspiration from other artists but there is such a thing as taking too much from an artist’s work. I am worried; i don’t want to steal or disrespect any artists. also as a kid, i used to try drawing things from manga and anime and elsewhere (and i’ve seen some others do the same) exactly how it is shown since i didn’t know anything about art and still don’t really or that people that draw fan art develop their own styles and interpretations. I asked people on a server about this (just asked again) and they said all artists use references, which I know. I am wondering if I am practicing drawing the wrong way, or if it is wrong to see if I can try to draw something? i am so overwhelmed ><. i really am proud of this drawing since I’ve never drawn armor before and also I feel like it helped me understand shading a bit more. I was definitely going to credit the original artists but now I wonder if that is not enough.

Edit: I talked about it with a friend and they said if i decide to post it only to say in the description that i’m practicing drawing along with credit to the artists.
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So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
i’m so, so sorry. may he rest in peace. i know how devastating and lonely losing a loved one is, but you’re not alone, and my pms are always open if you need to talk; i’d be happy to listen. sending prayers, healing thoughts and virtual hugs to you and your family. ❤️
So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
I’m sorry. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts, feel free to message me if you need to talk, my tbt PMs are open.
thinking about when i told my mom that i was trying to stay alive for her just over a month ago, and her response was that i “wasn’t doing her any favours” and that if i wanted to go, i could. lol.

note: i’m not thinking about or planning on doing anything to myself, but i’ll never forgive her for saying that to me, or for leaving afterwards, nor will i ever forgive my dad for not calling an ambulance when i asked him to. i’m probably gonna get a warning for this post, but it hurt so bad, and i’m so tired of being the only one who knows. it ****ed me up more than anything that happened after did. i’m still so hurt and angry.
me and my kitties send you hugs 🥺💜. I’m sorry for not being here for you whenever that happened. I’m sorry this happened to you. Please know that my dms are always open to you even when I’m away. I care about you 🥺.
Dang, that's such a devastating loss. Sorry to hear that. 😟 It must be very very tough for you right now after what had happened. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need some comfort. Sending you virtual hugs on the way and I hope you'll feel better soon. 💙

Omg, I'm so sorry to hear this. It's really difficult to lose a grandparent (all of mine have already passed away, as well as my mom). I was telling someone that I remember my grandma on my dad's side was the last to go a couple years ago, and she was really sweet. She let me have chocolate cake and chocolate milk when I was younger.

If you ever need to vent or talk about it, my VMs/DMs are open. 💚

I am so, so, so sorry to hear this, Xara. Sorry doesn't even cover it. It sounds to me like they're invalidating your thoughts and feelings, and that is one of the worst feelings in the world. I speak from experience. I can only hope that you don't have to deal with those kinds of remarks too much longer. If one of my family members said that to me I would lose my **** at them, lol.

If you ever need to vent about it, my VMs/DMs are open. 💚
i woke up one day and found myself alone in my hometown and it’s really just a special type of loneliness when you realize you have no one left
So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
I'm sorry for your loss. I've lost a few family and one friend this/last year. It's a very surreal feeling. I know it may not be much, but feel free to message me if you need someone to talk/listen to. Many of us are here for you!

@xara That is truly awful and disgusting of them to say. I'm sorry that you are going through this. There is a family member going through something similiar currently and while I can't say I am a guru or know how to help 100%, I would never act or say on such horrible things like they had.

I know I've only been chatting with you and the others for a short while now, but I like you all! I feel like I've gotten to know quite a few of you all better just in the course of a few months. Please feel free to hit me up on my private messages if you need someone to talk/listen to. I really do mean that. For both of you.
So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
I‘m sorry for your loss. I wish you all the strength you need. Sending virtual hugs to you and your family.
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@xara I just read your post (it’s deleted now I think). I just wanted to let you know that you don’t deserve this and there are a lot of people who care about you. <3
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So uhm, update on the news... My grandpa died. I'm legit crying so much right now. I don't know what to say. This is the second time a family member of mine has passed away...
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know just how you feel, my grandpa passed away back in January and I'm still in denial about it. I'm here if you need anything 💕

I really want to start working on my fanfics again but writing is so intimidating, idk where to start cause I have so many ideas and I don't want to forget them 😞
I just think a lot about the connections between people, and why some of them are cut for seemingly no reason. I find it particularly sad how easy it is for some people to change so quickly...or just "grow apart" from someone who they had previously been super close with. Especially when they offer no real explanation for it, other than "this is how it is now". This feels like a major source of trauma to me...knowing that something changed in a major way, but being given no explanation of how or why.