• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What's Bothering You?

Yesterday: Delayed Greyhound Bus.
Today: Delayed Frontier Flight.
And I said that Frontier was the Greyhound with Wings.
ig I need to send my doctor another message, I got bloodwork done a while ago to check my iron so we could figure out why I'm so tired all the time and everything was normal so we left it at that. but I hate feeling half asleep throughout the entire day, I haven't been able to get really any housework done because I just have no energy or ability to focus/concentrate because I perpetually feel like I've pulled an all-nighter.

also different topic but life would be so much easier if I never had to wear a binder lol >_<
can the £ stop being so high damnit lol...

also ugh can't wait for my vacation weeks starting later in june... cba all these meetings and **** they squeezed in before everyone go lol...
I really wish there weren't any school exams, that would take away a lot of stress and end school sooner. I still have two weeks left while my online friends were on summer vacation a while ago.
I burned my potstickers 😭 😭 😭

I forgot to turn the heat down from high to medium so 8 min later I go to look at them and they were smoking. luckily they were still pretty much palatable despite half of them being charred on the bottom. but yeah that was quite disappointing and now I'm not hungry anymore yet strangely unfulfilled :(

I'm sorry lol. That is annoying. It's like when I toast some bread and don't get it out in time. It's still edible, but would be so much better had I got to it sooner.
Family member trying to tell me that I can’t travel alone and doesn’t like me traveling alone even though I’m a legal adult. I never talk to him in my ****ing life and he thinks he can insert himself and his stupid opinion in here. Like I want to stick around a bit because of my favorite person but those stupid opinions are making me want to go to prove a point. I’d like to stick around at least until my favorite person finds a new job which will be another year or two. It’s just if I stick here that idiot will think I’ve come to my senses and I’m staying where I’m at, which is not the case. Idk why the hell my grandma is telling me what one random uncle I never talk to is saying I can’t do things. I don’t talk to him for a reason and I’d like to keep him cut off, but I can’t with my grandma relaying messages half the time. And it seems to only happen when I’m on vacation or traveling? Wtf.
Why is today dragging on so slowly? It feels like I've already been here at work for close to 4 hours, but then I look at the clock and it's barely been just over 2. I really hope the rest of the day doesn't feel like this...

Of course this break disappears in the blink of an eye though!
My dad needed batteries for something, and instead of looking around the house he takes the ones for my Wii Remote. Great, now I can't play on the Wii because those were my only batteries.

I can't stand my family, they're so ****ing annoying it makes me wanna punch them in the face.

And like I said last week, the weekends are too short. I can't believe I'm already going to school tomorrow. I wanna keep playing Wii Sports and watch Poofesure, not go through another two weeks of hell.
I'm a little worried Sora might be deaf. She had her back turned to me and I came up to give her some lettuce, I wasn't being quiet about it while i was shredding it up for her. She turned around and saw me and got so spooked that I was there. She's due for a vet visit soon so we'll see what they say. It's not an uncommon thing to have happen to lop eared bunnies because their ears are unnatural. Her ears are a lot bigger and floppier than Bakugo's little stumpy ones. I really love lop eared bunnies, but they have too many health problems so I don't support breeding them. I wouldn't change anything having them in my life, but I didn't know this before getting them.
I should probably not waste on that mini, but unless it's modern-made in retro style they are almost always like hip size 6-8 which.. doesn't fit me lol. But this one seems rather wide around the hips and it's a mini dress. Argh. I should save but also. ugh.. yolo.
😪 just got back from the doctors and it seems like my exhaustion and other little physical health problems are likely being caused by my mental health
Very rude of my mental health to do this to me
have my blood test tomorrow, and i'm dreading it. the last time i had a blood test, i almost passed out on my way through the waiting room afterwards and felt so nauseous/ill i had to sit in the GP toilets for several minutes. my mom said it was because i didn't eat anything beforehand, but this is (and so was that one) supposed to test my iron levels, so i'm not supposed to eat for 12 hours beforehand. (not that my doctor ever said that, so. good thing i googled it.) i'm worried i'm going to have the same reaction again, which is largely why i'm taking my sister for support this time instead of my mom, but even so, i have emetophobia so feeling nauseous is really distressing.
Well I went by the diabetic doctor and I'm very mixed on it. The Doctor told me that my blood sugar levels were stable, but then she was asking me the question of "How long are you going to be on a low carb diet?" and I got a little bothered by that and she told me to start eating more carbs. Like really? First of all I was trying my best to be healthy all the time and now she is telling me to eat more carbs? Doesn't she realize that eating carbs can raise your blood sugar?

She gave me a new medication to help control my blood sugar during morning time which is cool since I was concerned about it (I just hope my health insurance covers it). I did a A1C test and a urine sample afterwards which was uncomfortable to say the least so now I have to wait for the results. (sigh) I have no idea how to feel anymore.
have my blood test tomorrow, and i'm dreading it. the last time i had a blood test, i almost passed out on my way through the waiting room afterwards and felt so nauseous/ill i had to sit in the GP toilets for several minutes. my mom said it was because i didn't eat anything beforehand, but this is (and so was that one) supposed to test my iron levels, so i'm not supposed to eat for 12 hours beforehand. (not that my doctor ever said that, so. good thing i googled it.) i'm worried i'm going to have the same reaction again, which is largely why i'm taking my sister for support this time instead of my mom, but even so, i have emetophobia so feeling nauseous is really distressing.
If they haven't explicitly told you that it is a fasted test then it is unlikely needed. When someone is suspected of being iron deficient, scientists often aren't testing your sample directly for iron. Iron isn't considered a very good marker to test for because it fluctuates so rapidly. So instead we will use a blood protein called ferritin as a marker because it is a more stable and reliable way of testing for iron deficiency. This is because iron is stored inside of ferritin, so if you have low ferritin then we are able to conclude from that that you also have low iron levels.

It'd be better to eat and drink normally if you've not been explicitly told that you need to fast. I'm iron deficient (along with various other deficiencies) and regularly have blood tested. The only time I was required to fast was for a full blood test.