I stabbed myself in the eye with a plastic (thankfully, not metal) hanger when I was, like, 7. I was trying to take clothes off it for my Build-A-Bear.
I had to get prescription eyedrops from the doctor, and surprisingly it didn’t cause any long term damage to my eye. Though, I volunteered for an eye exam (for fun) during a Biology course in high school as someone without glasses. Someone with glasses had to volunteer, as well, and it was basically to see if the person without glasses would be able to see more than the person with glasses while wearing them.
That’s when I figured out that I could see just a few more rows of the eye chart with my right eye, which is the one that wasn’t stabbed with a hanger. Either way, the injury wasn’t enough to harm my sight to the point of needing glasses.
Please tell me others have had stupid injuries, lmao.
I had to get prescription eyedrops from the doctor, and surprisingly it didn’t cause any long term damage to my eye. Though, I volunteered for an eye exam (for fun) during a Biology course in high school as someone without glasses. Someone with glasses had to volunteer, as well, and it was basically to see if the person without glasses would be able to see more than the person with glasses while wearing them.
That’s when I figured out that I could see just a few more rows of the eye chart with my right eye, which is the one that wasn’t stabbed with a hanger. Either way, the injury wasn’t enough to harm my sight to the point of needing glasses.
Please tell me others have had stupid injuries, lmao.