What's the longest stretch you've done campsite method?


May 31, 2020
Please share your longest campsite runs in real time - interested in seeing how many hours/days/weeks of your actual life...

and who or what personality you were hunting

and whether or not you were successful

:rolleyes: hoping there's hope
I usually just go island hopping or look for someone selling the villager I want instead, I have terrible luck with the campers.
I hear you. I don't trade but have crazy stacks of NMT but looking for the personality my island doesn't have... and thinking campsite might be speedier
i was looking for judy because i couldn't afford her lol (i like looking for my own villagers anyway)

and it took me less than a day to find her but i time travelled like 3 years ahead 😅

i looked for raymond through the campsite too but found him on first try so it's random
Your Judy search gives me hope- but that's crazy about your first try Raymond (y)
Your Judy search gives me hope- but that's crazy about your first try Raymond (y)
i was actually really surprised myself when i found him haha
but i'm glad i did, i wasn't about to spend all my bells on him

good luck on ur search ^-^
I never even bothered to do the campsite method even once. I also don't time travel so it'd be a slow process anyways.

By some miracle though while I was trying to get my final dreamie he magically showed up by pure luck/chance in my campsite. Blew my mind haha.
I TT'd two in game years for Raymond. (About 8 hours real time.)

I had a few smug amiibo cards, and had already had six smug villagers come and go.

I amiibo'd out my only smug - Shep, as the game rolls for personality first, then species, (on NM islands it rolls for species first) then started the whole process.

I even kept the logs. :)
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i was looking for judy because i couldn't afford her lol (i like looking for my own villagers anyway)

and it took me less than a day to find her but i time travelled like 3 years ahead 😅

i looked for raymond through the campsite too but found him on first try so it's random
when I was looking for Judy I hopped like 200 islands and one of the DIYs I found in a bottle was written from her I got so mad about it lol
I TT'd two in game years for Raymond. (About 8 hours real time.)

I had a few smug amiibo cards, and had already had six smug villagers come and go.

I amiibo'd out my only smug - Shep, as the game rolls for personality first, then species, (on NM islands it rolls for species first) then started the whole process.

I even kept the logs. :)

✊ this is the way
2 weeks. I did nothing in game but TT'd trying to find Dobie, Sheldon, Erik and a few others for 2 other nintendos (my daughters & sons). I have none of my original villagers, received two from him (just got Dobie last night!) and found the others I have through the campsite. Never any luck with islands, though I keep trying. It was a lot of hours. I was out of work for 6 months because of covid and our daycare so I spent all of my free time in game. Still searching. I have 186 villagers to cycle through the campsite before I have finally been through them all. Got a thousand dollars that all the villagers I've been searching for will be the last to show up! I only do it occasionally now, when inspiration on my island won't come.

My situation is unique as I am searching for dreamies from one nintendo for 3 islands. At first I was able to remove the personality I was searching for but as I have found my dreamies that has been thrown out the window.
I had to reset for three hours to finally convince Flora to move in and kick out someone I was ready to move out. Last week, it took me two hours to convince Bob.
I never tried the campsite method because my island was full before I could! But I tried for Cyd for around 6 hours by mystery island hopping (spread across 2 days) and I never found him. I ended up getting him through a giveaway. If I ever do try the campsite method in the future, I would "give up" much earlier than the hours I tried for Cyd. After years of plot resetting in NL, I no longer have the patience to reset/grind in this game and I'm glad I haven't done much of it.
I spent 3 real-life weeks at about 8 hours a day resetting the campsite to get all 10 of my villagers on my island. I lost count of the total hours but I almost made it through the whole villager list before I got them all. Really hoping I never need to do that again.
I only did it three times last year.

Attempt 1 - April 24, 2020
I was looking for Elvis. Got him as my 64th camper. This was my longest run because I had to move in and move out a lot of villagers that I am completely okay with in case I don't find him. Inviting him was really quick though.

Attempt 2 - April 26, 2020
I wasn't looking for anyone in particular. But I thought I'd try to get Raymond. Stopped trying after 18 tries.

Attempt 3 - April 27, 2020
Still wasn't looking for someone specific. But Raymond would be nice. Stopped after 21 campers.

Got Raymond from island hopping last week though (243rd ticket).
My forced camper was Henry which was awesome. After that? They all been pretty awful or mediocre at best. To be fair, I did have Erik... who lives on like my only friend who plays this game's island. So it was still a failure.

Not sure whether I'm lucky to not have to try it or unlucky I get duds like Marcie.
About 1-2 hours since I’m not looking for anyone in particular, just wanted anyone from my relatively inclusive list of villagers I want to experience living with. I heard that campers don’t repeat (unlike in island hopping) unless everyone’s had a turn. I’m not sure if that’s true though so to be on the safe side I invite whoever shows up first among my list.
I haven't had a Smug villager in I don't know how long. And what is really frustrating is the fact that I haven't had a Smug camper in just as long. Apparently I have a really crappy RNG for the campsite. >.>
I haven't really don't much villager hunting honestly, it seems to take forever to get rid of the ones I don't want. And once I do island hopping gets old fast so I tend to give up pretty quick(which results in me getting a voided villager). And for me at least I tend to get repeat villagers if I island hop for a while(one time I got the same one 3 times) which gets on my nerves. Also I get Octavian every freakin time and I don't know why. The campsite method is an exercise is aggravation and I don't have much patience for it. My forced camper was Colton and he was the worst. I had Sly in my campsite but I couldn't get him to pick Colton and I gave up. Next camper was Ellie and thankfully she did pick Colton. So my next camper I expected would be smug because that was the only personality i was missing and I was right. What I didn't expect was that it was Raymond! I got lucky there. I also found one dreamy, Molly, while island hopping. And I got Stitches for free on here. My one island hopping regret was not taking Bettina the mouse. I was looking for specific villagers so I didn't invite her to move in and I really wish I had. If I find her again I will. I am also hoping to find Shep one of these days.