• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What's the worst thing you've done in ACNL?

After Rhonda announced she was leaving every keeps telling me she's not sure I should go speak to her, but I've avoided her completely. I don't hate her I just want someone new in town. But I feel really mean, she's clearly very popular and I'm just letting her go.

The absolute worst thing I did though was picking a map where Re-Tail is in the furthest corner from the dock :mad: running back and forth to sell my goodies from the island is not fun.

I took the extra time to find a good one. It's a fast run up my ramp then I can go cliff diving to get down even faster. ^_^
I had Marshal in my camp and I didn't bother talking to him because 1) I don't like him and 2) was resetting for a plot and it was in a bad spot.
Trading a sloppy set for Rosie and lost her in about 30mins already due to a TT accident.
So far, accidentally forgot that Maple was coming over at 3 pm today. So she was waiting outside my house all alone ;__; And with some sort of baked goods too ;__;
i traded ankha for lucky when i could've gotten lucky from a friend for free
I... I... I sacrificed a pattern stump... to place a project in a perfect spot!
I am such a moster!​
I've done that more times than I'd like to admit and now don't have any pattern stumps what-so-ever... sigh.

So far, accidentally forgot that Maple was coming over at 3 pm today. So she was waiting outside my house all alone ;__; And with some sort of baked goods too ;__;
I've also forgotten about villagers that were scheduled to visit me and ones I was supposed to visit.

The good thing though is that after they grilled me about it, speaking to them again immediately after they had forgotten all about it, hehe. Yay for no grudge programming LOL.
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I ran all around my town for weeks, unknowingly destroying my grass. (NL is my first AC game.) I decided it's too late to start over, so now I just have a fairly ugly town. :/
I convinced Zucker to move into my second town a few days ago.
Yesterday I forgot to reset his house plot. xD He put up his house on the spot where I wanted to built a playground. (Don't have the PWP's for it yet)
I was a bit upset by it because it was entirely my fault and I could have easily prevented it.
I hate my forgetfulness. -.- Thank god he isn't a villager I want to have forever in my town.
Still it was quite refreshing to let rng decide the plot. The placement could have been way worse.
(...) Still it was quite refreshing to let rng decide the plot. The placement could have been way worse.

I know, right? Pompom randomly moved in when I tt'd ... I was soo anxious when Isabelle greeted me with "Oh, Mayor, somebody new moved into town today..." xD But luckily she moved into an area where I wanted a villager to live anyway... : P She kinda ruined the placement for the police station, but that's okay... as you said, it could have been waaay worse...
The same actually happened with Victoria half an hour ago... xD Mott moved out and she moved almost in the exact same spot... pheew
I ran all around my town for weeks, unknowingly destroying my grass. (NL is my first AC game.) I decided it's too late to start over, so now I just have a fairly ugly town. :/

I did this too. ACNL is also my first AC game. But now I have paths, so it's not too bad. Also, Lucky (who's one of my faves) asked me for fruit and I gave him a mushroom, he was sad. I felt most guilty. And, more annoying than bad, I sold a saw shark and couldn't catch another one. Grr...
i cycled through 10 villagers in 1 week. my grass was completely wrecked from the house plots
I just loaded my game and saw Fauna wandering around with holes in her flower garden... I fell asleep while watering my flowers last night... it didn't save. D:

Having to TT back to 5am to water them. :/
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I abuse the front of my town hall as a new character house for the reset trick. Now there's a huge ugly dirt patch there.
Intentionally dug out my black rose on the first week of playing. I thought it was a wilted flower.
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Also guilty for mistaking black roses for wilted roses. I kept watering them and couldn't understand why they wouldn't unwilt :rolleyes: I felt stupid, because I remembered perfectly well what black roses look like. I just didn't expect to have so many of them so early in the game (it wasn't long after the release).

I did this too. ACNL is also my first AC game. But now I have paths, so it's not too bad. Also, Lucky (who's one of my faves) asked me for fruit and I gave him a mushroom, he was sad. I felt most guilty. And, more annoying than bad, I sold a saw shark and couldn't catch another one. Grr...

I did the same with Muffy, except I gave her a bamboo shoot, just so see how she would react. She was disappointed. And I'm an idiot, because Muffy is one of my favourites.
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I did this too. ACNL is also my first AC game. But now I have paths, so it's not too bad. Also, Lucky (who's one of my faves) asked me for fruit and I gave him a mushroom, he was sad. I felt most guilty. And, more annoying than bad, I sold a saw shark and couldn't catch another one. Grr...

I did the same with Muffy, except I gave her a bamboo shoot, just so see how she would react. She was disappointed. And I'm an idiot, because Muffy is one of my favourites.

I did even worse than that. I was giving fruit to one of my favorite villagers, Cally, and I noticed that a fish that I had caught earlier was highlighted and able to be given. I figured that I would try giving it to Cally for a laugh and thought that she would just say something witty, give it back to me, and I'd give her the fruit. She just responded with a flat, "... I can't eat this... Thanks..." and gives me back the fish. And when I tried to talk to her again, I couldn't give her any fruit. ._.

Other than that, I almost did a terrible thing today. I was feeling sick today and a little delirious, and I was mailing a letter to one of my villagers. I attached a present (a Painting Set!) as I always do, and forgot to mail it for a few hours. When I went to mail it, I decided, by chance, just to check the present. Apparently I attached my Eggplant Cow to the letter and not the Painting Set. I almost mailed a villager a rare Japanese holiday exclusive!
Diva just asked me for a fruit. I wanted to give her a perfect one, because I heard they get all happy when you do. So I shook a perfect cherry tree, and it wilted. But I completely forgot that dying trees give a rotten fruit, and I accidentally gave her that! Now she's all angry and I feel horrible.