I'm personally agnostic. I have specific beliefs for myself but don't follow any scripture. Plus, I'm not against any God existing, I'd just rather have proof than blindly believe.
I'm an Eclectic Witch, because I'm self-taught, rather than being part of a Tradition or group. Over the years, I've borrowed bits and pieces from things I've read/studied to take what makes sense to me. I don't cast often; it's more who I am than what I do, if that makes sense.
I don't really practice a specific religion, I'm open to the concept but right now I'm ultimately non-religious. I practice witchcraft but for me, it's more about the connection between myself and the world around me than myself and a higher power.
I'm atheist/agnostic. I don't really believe in a "god"
If you believe in a god or a few, I don't really care. I've been discriminated for not going to church and I don't want others to feel that way, so I don't care just as long as you're nice.
The best I can say right now is Hindu (more specific vaishnava)’ ive had a long hard look at religion after I had my baby, and I wanted to be 100% of my religious identity before raising my child in any religion. I used to be Buddhist, but I recently made the change to Hinduism. I’ve learnt to accept that I am a covert to a different religions, and I go to a Mandir. I’m so happy to have learnt about my beliefs and start practicing them.
i’m catholic, i was baptized and i have done all the required sacraments like confirmation. my parents sent me to a lutheran preschool, then i went to a catholic k-8 school and now i go to a catholic high school. even though my parents have payed for a catholic education, i don’t think i would consider my family very religious. my dad is an atheist and most of my immediate family are non-practicing catholics. we don’t go to church very often, only during christmas and easter. i don’t consider myself that religious and i sort of had an emotional traumatic experience with catholicism (don’t worry it’s nothing abusive or sexual) im 100% better now and that’s a different story.
it's ... really hard for me to say per se? if i have to boil it down, i'm an agnostic with some christian leanings : i've never went to church and never seriously prayed, but i believe there may be a higher being somewhere.
none but i do appreciate teachings/values from many religions and try to live my life in a positive and loving way. there are a lot of aspects of different religions that feel very real to me, but i dont feel compelled to choose a single one to follow if that makes since