What's your religion?

Not religious, although I do understand the importance of faith for some people. For them, their God exists and their religious organization is something that's important to them.

I grew up in a city (and province) that is largely non-religious, although people practice many religions here, so there wasn't any pressure to join a church. British Columbia, the province where I live, is actually one of the most secular provinces/territories in Canada, right after the Yukon. When I was little, I didn't realize that in many other places in the world, there is one dominant religion that influences everyone's lives, because there wasn't really one religion that was dominant where I lived. Lots of people are Christian, but there is also a large Jewish population and many people who are Sikh, plus many others who have no religion at all, so I grew up surrounded by people who had lots of different beliefs.

I wish it was more diverse in religion here. Here we have a big Christian majority (mostly catholic), and I think that the second biggest would probably be Buddhism, but that would be a very small minority. Most of the immigrants we get here come from Catholic places. The largest Asian population is probably Cambodian, which is a small minority. We are very diverse in culture and ethnicity, but not diverse at all in religion. When it's not very diverse in religion, no one knows anything about other religions, and assume their religion is definatly true/fact, which it's not (It's a possibility though). I'm probably one of very few in this city who knows about other religions and considers converting to one of them.
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Atheist. I have a lot of faith in spirituality, though. I just don't believe in any particular religion.
Atheist, though semi-Buddhist without a commitment to rebirth/any form of scripture.
im catholic, i follow it out of tradition, and i barely practice it same with the rest of my family. we dont really go to church or any of that
I grew up a Christian, but as time went by I started to notice my VERY religious mother's odd, hypocritical, and ignorant ways. When questioned about the things she said and ways she acted, everything was blamed on God so I soon realized she was full of crap lol.
I don't have anything against Christians or religion, but my mother's supposed "Christian way" of life drove me from believing in any type of God. I am now an atheist after being Christian for over 16-17 years.
I am an unintentional Pastafarian. When I was 13, I accidentally used Holy Pasta Sauce instead of Uncle John's Chunky Three-Cheese Sensation pasta sauce. No regrets.

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
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I am a Universal Unitarian. That means I believe all paths lead to the same God/Goddess and that you can learn lessons from every religion. I celebrate the Christian holidays, though, because those are the ones I grew up with, although I guess Halloween (AKA Samhein) is really a Pagan holiday. *Shrugs*

I just do my own thing and try to get along with everyone.
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I am a Secular Witch. I am not a heavy practicer, so sometimes I just tell people I am "spiritual."
Atheist, agnostic or apatheist. It's a little mix of the three I feel, first I don't believe that there is an actual God watching over us and expecting us to pray for him "or else..!!", then for me religion is not THE right path to use, and overall I don't really give a damn.

Live you life ! Do you best to stay positive ! That's all, really.
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Imma non-denominational christian
I used to be involved with a baptist church, but then I realized how bigoted and close-minded everyone there was so now I avoid associating with baptists whatsoever lol