Reliable Gnome: I don't see what the hype is all about... I can't believe Passionate gave away my seat to one of these things...
Passionate Gnome: Do you like your drink sweetie?
Stelloid: bloop!
Passionate to the pretty gyroid : I don't like fairy dust. It's fine and light and tickling and it gets everywhere..."
Laid-Back to the bartender: "These aren't the gnomes you're looking for, and give us free Naughty Gnome Cocktails!"
Bartender: "What, you think you're some kind of Gnedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a TBT member. Mind tricks don't work on me. Only tickets"
Passionate Gnome: "Rebel what possessed you to turn the bridge of our space ship into a bar?!"
Rebel: "Wasn't me this time man, I swear! Cheers to whoever's idea it was!"
Passionate: "Alright, whoever did this, fess up!"
Sprightly: *turns around in his seat with a bright red face and whistles a tune to himself.*