my biggest storage section is clothes, which i imagine will be the case for a lot of people. i like to buy everything in multiple variants, even the ones i know i'll never wear, lol. but my second most is my creatures section, since i save all bugs/fish for cj/flick. it's been a while since i had either of them, so that section's getting really full right now... and then third place is other, which is almost entirely materials.
My biggest storage section is clothing too because I tend to buy every new piece of clothing at Able Sisters'. To be honest, I don't know if the biggest section is that one or the materials section. I like to have materials in stock so that I always have what's needed to carry on the projects on my island.
It used to be clothing but now it's materials. My clothing section was cut down a lot and I only keep winter clothes now with my favourite funny outfits in my wand.
definitely clothing! if only my irl wardrobe was half as good as my acnh wardrobe. I have no idea what my second biggest section is.. probably materials, but i don't actually have tons of those.
Furniture and materials/NMTs I think! I only keep clothing for wand outfits and some bits n pieces for future villager gifts so I only have like maybe 20 clothing items in storage!!
Materials and clothing. I hoard materials, and all the extra stuff (wands, fireworks items) go in there too, so it's pretty much just stuffed full. Clothing wise, all my villagers give me is clothes! I'm trying to work through it and get rid of it slowly. Not to mention my own clothes bought from Able's and Kicks.
my biggest storage section is definitely furniture; i even went to the liberty of counting everything and as of right now, 907/1,806 of the items in my storage are furniture lmao.
my second biggest is the “other” section, with it consisting of 553 items.
Clothes for sure, when I see something I like I buy every color! I have had to sell off a ton of clothing before the expansion just to have room for it all. After clothing, crafting materials take up the bulk of the rest of my storage, then furniture.
Mine is 100% clothing. I barely have any furniture or anything, it's all unorderables or seasonal crafted items. It's gotten to the point where I needed a second home to offload seasonal clothes when I'm not using them. I'm glad they let us expand- I'm using all the extra storage slots for even more clothes!
Definitely clothes and materials, as others have said. I keep stacks of seasonal materials and I’m not entirely sure why lol. I should probably sell my eggs and pumpkins. Ever since the beginning of the game I had the mentality that I should save materials to save myself the trouble of gathering them intentionally when I need them to build something. I buy clothes in nearly every color/style and I have multiples of some pants just so when I assign them to my wand I have extras that are available in storage.
it used to be clothes because i used to buy everything i wanted to catalog and then keep it, but after a few major closet cleanouts i managed to cut it down a lot. now i hoard a bunch of materials, my "other" section takes up a lot of space because of all my normal materials, bushes, seasonal materials, nmts and whatever.