Which Throwback Collectibles are you Aiming for?

I was initially aiming for a cyan heart wand, but I'm sick and not up to participating in everything (plus I don't think 192 tickets is attainable for me even if I was), so I'm aiming for an OG heart wand instead, which should hopefully be doable! The OG heart wand has been my back-up plan since the beginning and I've been wanting to have one again for ages, so I'm not too disappointed! Just disappointed that I'm sick. 😪

If the OG heart wand ends up not being attainable for me either, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
I want Inky the most, but I’m not sure if if I’ll be able to earn enough 🤔. If not Inky, I want the Invader. I also wanted the purple star frag. But seeing a lot of collectibles that I’ve missed, I’m having a hard time deciding. They’re all so cute.
the purple flower wand is really nice but since I already have a flower glow wand and I don’t think I can even reach that high lol I’ll just stick to the heart glow wand… hopefully that is a little more do able for me. If I can’t even reach that, maybe some feathers (black, white, or pink).
There are so many I want aaa. Another wand is my top goal, however I'm not planning anything or getting my expectations up in case I can't achieve it. Otherwise it'd be nice to get another lotv, or some of the star fragments I don't have!
I don't have any idea yet! I will decide later down the line. I just try to get as much tickets as possible for now!
I made the final decision to aim for 2 lily of the valleys and a green crystal instead of Mom's plush since I can get 2 forest backgrounds. I believe I'll be able to earn enough. I'm at 54 right now. I just need 30 more. Animal crossing events are off the table for me.
They are all so pretty it was hard to decide. I think I am going to try for the enchanted butterfly wand and the glowing butterfly spirit.
I sorta wanted the Cyan heart wand but I feel like it’s a lot to spend and I’m not even sure I’ll be getting that much/it’ll fit in my lineup.
So I’m looking to get a sweet feather to "enclose" my lineup with the other one I won!
I haven't completely decided yet. I like to have things in a certain color order for lineups. So I'm thinking this is a good opportunity to achieve that. I've not really collected star fragments before, but with enough tickets I could get them in the color order I'd like.

But I also like the gleaming butterfly, and/ or I could replace the mom's plush (I traded away my last one). I think I'll have to earn as many tickets as I can, then see what I can afford.
I usually just keep doing all of the tasks until I finish them all and get the most points I can. Sometimes I miss an event or two (especially since I was a week and a few odd days late to this event and missed a few of the earlier tasks or I run out of time or am really bad at something like the puzzle event lol!)

But I plan on waiting until I have the most amount of points and then I'll figure it out from there.
i've been spending a while deciding, and reached no conclusion lol so now i think instead of getting my heart set on one thing i'm going to see how many tickets i end up with and make a decision from there. an impostor heart wand would be nice to match my normal one (but seems impossible), or inky if i can, but now i'm thinking maybe either a star or flower wand