Which villager do you think is apart of the LGBT+ Community?

i started seeing kid cat and punchy as boyfriends after an interaction in one of my NL towns where kid cat said he'd made it his mission in life to get something punchy wanted, and it turned out to be a rainbow shirt after i delivered it. they also spent a lot of time together despite having houses on opposite sides of town and even had matching rainbow shirts at one point in time. (my design though, not the in-game one.) other than that-
  • biskit and lucky are quite cute together. their houses are next to each other now in my town, and they had a really adorable conversation the other month where they were talking about going to the tropics together to "pet sharks, eat fruit, and then laze around".
  • vivian is definitely a lesbian. she'd totally be dating whitney if i had the latter on my island.
  • diana? also a lesbian, though she's only in my NL town.
  • i don't have them yet but coco and lolly would 100% be girlfriends. their houses will hopefully be next to each other and they share the same personality. since i lowkey headcanon coco as being super shy and insecure because of her "unusual" appearance, i love the idea of her gradually opening up to lolly and getting to be herself around her.
  • OH and how could i forget henry? he's totally gay. he's always rocking my various LGBT+ sweaters and the green sunglasses i gave him, and there have been several funny moments where he mentioned "being gay" because i entered it as my hobby lmao. (i.e. "this being gay thing is new to me" and "i can't wait to say that i was into being gay before it was cool".)
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I dislike any sort of sexual projection onto any character in a game initially created for children, despite how many teens/adults might happen to play it. That's just my opinion, though...*hides*

aside from the fact that children can be LGBT+ (i had crushes on other girls literally as young as 7), there's nothing inherently sexual or adult or PG about being LGBT+ but okay-
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I dislike any sort of sexual projection onto any character in a game initially created for children, despite how many teens/adults might happen to play it. That's just my opinion, though...*hides*
This topic isn't an explicit "sexual" projection but just where the characters lean to in terms of romance.
Children can have romantic crushes too, it's not uncommon or inappropriate at all.
This topic isn't an explicit "sexual" projection but just where the characters lean to in terms of romance.
Children can have romantic crushes too, it's not uncommon or inappropriate at all.
I never said children couldn't have romantic crushes or that they weren't appropriate or uncommon. Sorry if you thought that.
I know this won't be a popular opinion, but I dislike any sort of sexual projection onto any character in a game initially created for children, despite how many teens/adults might happen to play it. That's just my opinion, though...*hides*

none of this is inherently sexual LOL i have a feeling if this was Which Straight Animal Crossing Characters Make A Good Couple you wouldnt have commented that tbh dont rly understand why people are getting funny with this
none of this is inherently sexual LOL i have a feeling if this was Which Straight Animal Crossing Characters Make A Good Couple you wouldnt have commented that tbh dont rly understand why people are getting funny with this
Yes I would have commented actually, I'm sorry you assume that. Please don't assume things :( I removed the comment, please just ignore it, forgive me.
Why are people acting like I said you can't have a crush as a kid? That isn't what I said. I'll refrain from sharing my opinions in the future, many apologies. Sorry that people think I meant something that I didn't.

because you specified "game created for children" so people naturally pointed out that you can be LGBT+ or have a crush on someone else as a child. personally, my issue was more that you implied that being LGBT+ is somehow inherently sexual or inappropriate when it isn't.
Has anyone mentioned Ed yet? He looks like an outdated gay stereotype. He has the “Hm, gurl” pose in his amiibo card. His house is nicely put together; and I’m low-key jealous of it. His eyelids look like they have purple eyeshadow on. He’s a smug, and you know how flamboyant smugs are.

Either way, he’s staying in my town.
I have Julian and Dom on my island and I imagine them both being somewhere on the queer spectrum, maybe pansexual like myself. I get similar vibes from Fuchsia and Deirdre.
Rocco and Beardo are gay and there's nothing you can do about it!! I don't even know why I ship them together. I just always see them hanging out whenever they're both outside, and I kinda think its cute that its a hard-worker and spoiler rich-man coming together. Its,,, dumb but its cute.

I actually have an orientation headcanon for a couple others on my island. Shari is a lesbian, Tia and Flora are Bi.... and that's about it. Haven't really thought about the others much. I love each of my villagers no matter what, it's just nice to think of them like me! (being LGBT+)
Ketchup sent me a letter about try to impress a girl...so her lmao

i agree with Dom and Julian has got to be.
Why are people acting like I said you can't have a crush as a kid? That isn't what I said. I'll refrain from sharing my opinions in the future, many apologies. Sorry that people think I meant something that I didn't.
I'm not here to start an argument or anything, it's just from my perspective it was just an off comment to make because no one was sharing anything explicitely sexual and was just commenting what their headcanons were of their own villagers. I said "children can have crushes too" because you were talking about "pushing sexuality on a children's game" or something like that. No one meant to push anything inappropriate on children in this thread, this was supposed to be lighthearted and fun. ^^

edit: I will say that I agree with you with it being inapprorpiate to push on children some mature topics, but talks on sexuality and gender orientation are always welcome at a younger age as they explore more about them. :) So children are definitely okay to ship their villagers in games and stuff if that makes them happy.