Which villager do you think is apart of the LGBT+ Community?

Oh boy. I have lots of ideas lol
Julian & Colton are boyfriends, b/c in one of my NL islands they're houses were right next to each other. Also I mean... hello
Felicity is a lesbian. I think it's the haircut and dress combo for me. It's probably a bit of projection on my part lol
Maddie uses she/they pronouns. idk I just get the v i b e s ( in a good way ofc)
Diana & Dierdre are girlfriends Diana is lesbian, Deirdre is bi
Erik is gay
Hornsby is nb
Amelia is lesbian
Alli is also lesbian
Celia is 10/10 cottagecore lesbian
Ellie & Eloise are dating
Gabi is bi/lesbian idk
Margie is bi or pan
Stella is also 10/10 cottagecore lesbian
My buddy Tad uses he/they pronouns

There are probably more, but I can't think of them rn
But I literally love coming up with these headcannons for my villagers because the world just needs more gays & theys :)
No offense, but a person will generally take offense to something when a comment to them is prefaced by 'hate to break it to you'. It has nothing to do with interpretation.
if u see a comment saying "gay men have female friends" and interpret as "they're saying im bashing gays" just because of a silly preface then im gonna assume u are probably bashing gays 'cause that's a lot of olympic-level mental gymnastics
if u see a comment saying "gay men have female friends" and interpret as "they're saying im bashing gays" just because of a silly preface then im gonna assume u are probably bashing gays 'cause that's a lot of olympic-level mental gymnastics
I don't think he was bashing gays at all. I think you dropped a snarky remark and blamed it on his interpretation of the situation. Blaming interpretation is kind of like a loophole people use to get away with saying whatever they want.
Hm, I guess I end up defaulting to thinking of everyone as having no gender preference. Since I am pan, that perspective comes the most naturally to me. I like the idea of the town being representative of as many orientations as possible though. <3
I don't think he was bashing gays at all. I think you dropped a snarky remark and blamed it on his interpretation of the situation. Blaming interpretation is kind of like a loophole people use to get away with saying whatever they want.
I'm the last person in the world who would do that. :(

I merely said my Fang has the female villagers in his house.

Daisy literally chases him.

But suddenly I'm attacked for simply offering information on how my Fang acts differently than the other person's Fang, and suddenly I'm bashing gays!

I'm told I must accept people's post about Fang, without opposing it, when all I did was post about MY Fang.

Shouldn't folks be told not to oppose MY post about my Fang? :(

So hurt being called a gay basher for just posting an innocent comment about my Fang being popular with female villagers.

It's a horrible, vile thing to say to a person who is the total opposite of that.

Thank you, Mr.Fox, for seeing my post for the innocent comment it really was.
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I have to agree with everyone saying Julian around here. He is my LGBTQ+ unicorn boi in my town and I love him so much. Haven’t seen him show interest seriously in anyone yet but he and Tybalt seem to enjoy spending time together.

I also headcanon that Whitney and Diana have a very secret thing. I always used to catch them in Whitney’s house late at night. And Diana always says very cute, romantic things like “this reminds me of sharing an umbrella with a friend” and I just *knew* she was thinking of Whitney. 🥰
there are two wolves within u one is whitney the other is vivian and they're both lesbians lkjfsld i get lesbian vibes from almost every snooty villager i've ever had but someone mentioned amelia who's one of my longtime faves and u are SO right! on my first island i shipped whitney and audie,,, i put their houses right next to each other and they ended up hanging out a lot...i'll end up saying every female villager is sapphic...bc self projecting... i will say every sisterly villager is sapphic and thats that on that

as for mlm my son marshal has graduated from struggling gay (sloppy furniture) to distinguished gay (coffee shop) and i think him and colton are boyfriends on my island...gonna be a sad day when colton leaves ;w; pietro is a gay clown and thats that on that. julian...distinguished gay i think. raymond: good LORD i get the struggling gay vibes from him, ik he's like business office cat but the smug personality doesnt let him have all his marbles together imo...tbh if the sloppy furniture was in acnh i dont think marshal would have graduated. its the vibes 👋
They're all queer because they're all asexual. Minus the Kangaroos I guess. Serious answer? Idk, Katt seems butch and Julian is fab.
I'm the last person in the world who would do that. :(

I merely said my Fang has the female villagers in his house.

Daisy literally chases him.

But suddenly I'm attacked for simply offering information on how my Fang acts differently than the other person's Fang, and suddenly I'm bashing gays!

I'm told I must accept people's post about Fang, without opposing it, when all I did was post about MY Fang.

Shouldn't folks be told not to oppose MY post about my Fang? :(

So hurt being called a gay basher for just posting an innocent comment about my Fang being popular with female villagers.

It's a horrible, vile thing to say to a person who is the total opposite of that.

Thank you, Mr.Fox, for seeing my post for the innocent comment it really was.

that's not what you said though. you never once said "my fang" initially, just "i have fang, and he's not like that at all". given the wording, it's perfectly reasonable for what you said to be misconstrued as opposition of the above poster. and nobody, as far as i saw, called you a "gay basher" or anything close, that's just you putting words in people's mouths. do i think you are? no, i think you just poorly worded your comment and in a thread where it wasn't really necessary. (thread title is what characters do you think are part of the community, not which ones aren't.) so, again, it comes across as a touch hostile and could be easily misconstrued whether the intent was there or not. you would've had me on side if you'd just owned up to your poor wording choice and understood not only how easily your original comment could be misinterpreted but how unneeded/unnecessary it was in this particular thread to begin with. instead, you decided to play victim in front of people who face that sort of hurtful dismissiveness regularly, when none of them really said anything to you, and then all but accused them of vitriol they didn't throw.