Which villager do you think is apart of the LGBT+ Community?

Julian was the resident gay in my NL town. There was no denying it. He was just all about being fabulous and liking boys I s2g. He and Fang kinda seemed like one of those odd couples too.
I can't see Hans as being anything but gay, it just makes sense to me
to be honest, i haven't personally put a lot of thought into matching up my villagers or piecing together what their orientation might be due to the way they act, but this definitely screams out to me. out of all the villagers i've had the pleasure of meeting, he's the only one i could peg for being bisexual or gay.
In that case, the adorable canon couple of Flick and CJ
(Though seriously Flick would read queer even without the context of them being partners)
yesssss talk of lgbt animal crossing yessssss

🌈nan and chevre are definitely a couple! i also like to think that nan is trans due to her amiibo card showing her with a beard.
🌈velma is definitely either trans or doesn't care about gender roles and is for sure a lesbian.
🌈gracie is trans. he uses male pronouns in the japanese version of the games and in animal forest e+ cranky villagers will quiz you on what gracie's actual name is which ends with suke a common male name ending. or they could be gender non conforming!
🌈flick is gender non conforming, but uses he/him. cj refers to him as his partner so that's where i get that from.
🌈cj and flick are dating and you can fight me on that.
🌈julian is sooo gay or just effeminate
🌈i like to think that any npc/villager who had their pronouns changed internationally are gender non conforming in some way. so saharah, blanca, etc.
🌈i headcanon alot of my villagers as lgbt in some way. rolf is ace, judy's bi and trans, and chevre and norma are lesbians.
🌈brewster x blathers has always been cute. i like to think that blathers and brewster are gay, ace, or both.
🌈tom nook and redd are ex's and both are bi.
🌈freaking harvey is a gay little hippie
🌈harriet is a lesbian.
🌈isabelle is pan.
🌈kicks is gay.
🌈katrina (i miss her :c) is ace.
🌈leif is gender non conforming and ace.

i should probably stop lol ;w;
that's not what you said though. you never once said "my fang" initially, just "i have fang, and he's not like that at all". given the wording, it's perfectly reasonable for what you said to be misconstrued as opposition of the above poster. and nobody, as far as i saw, called you a "gay basher" or anything close, that's just you putting words in people's mouths. do i think you are? no, i think you just poorly worded your comment and in a thread where it wasn't really necessary. (thread title is what characters do you think are part of the community, not which ones aren't.) so, again, it comes across as a touch hostile and could be easily misconstrued whether the intent was there or not. you would've had me on side if you'd just owned up to your poor wording choice and understood not only how easily your original comment could be misinterpreted but how unneeded/unnecessary it was in this particular thread to begin with. instead, you decided to play victim in front of people who face that sort of hurtful dismissiveness regularly, when none of them really said anything to you, and then all but accused them of vitriol they didn't throw.

It wasn't poor wording at all!
All I said was I have Fang on my island and he doesn't appear to be like that.
You said I didn't say MY FANG, well Fang being on MY island, who elses would he be?

It was just an innocent comment and I'm being treated like garbage, when I meant nothing at all, and we DO face the problems of the community as we are part of it.

I've seen your posts and they usually defend those being attacked, but now I see that some people will just post for the sake of it, and would argue about two flies crawling up a wall.

I don't play victim at all.

My own wife is gender fluid, my best friend and most of our friends are gay!
I've been part of that community for decades, so you can now take both feet out of your mouth! :(

Bloody sick of this!
I am ignoring the attackers and truly moving on.

I haven't said, nor have I done anything wrong, and certainly didn't enter the topic with the intention of telling someone they were wrong.. as has happened to me.

I made an innocent comment reguarding my Fang and how he differs from another person's Fang, as the point of a topic is to post in it, and I had a relevant post to make, and the right to respond as we are all supposedly meant to have the right to do.

It had nothing to do with Fang being gay or straight!

This entire attack on me is nuts.

I can't believe it's happening. :(

Hope you all have a great Christmas.

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Let's try to lighten the tone in this thread. It would be a shame to see it locked.

This isn't the sort of topic that requires debate. Everything expressed is an opinion where there is no way to tell who is right or who is wrong, so little is achieved by openly disagreeing with another person's interpretation of a villager.
Also if we could keep it to queer/LGBT+ readings of characters as that what the thread is based on maybe? 😅
there is no doubt in my mind that bob is gay. i mean cmon just look at him. he's adorably lazy and wears a pink flower shirt and just is all around funny. also i second @SmoochsPLH with nan and chevre, especially with eachother's photos. I also low key ship phoebe and flora, because they moved out of my town around the same time, i constantly saw them talking and hanging out at eachothers houses, and they were both very cute together. i think they moved out to travel the world together and that's why i saw phoebe a second time while going nmt hunting because flora still lived in my town and phoebe just wanted to send a message to her but anyway its becoming an obsession lol send help

cj and flick are clearly a couple (nobody can change my mind)

nan and chevre (cherve?) are definately dating, they have photo's of eachother and they have the same furniture layout in their houses

somepoint before nh was released, i think i read somewhere that isabelle is pan but idk if it was true

alsoo all smugs and uchi villagers ♡
lol this thread. It basically boils down to if you don't share my opinion then go away.

Someone said they don't really care for shipping fictional characters and then everyone is pitches and forks at them.
lol this thread. It basically boils down to if you don't share my opinion then go away.

Someone said they don't really care for shipping fictional characters and then everyone is pitches and forks at them.
This thread is literally about queer readings. There's other threads for other discussions? I started a thread a while back about shipping characters and people have offered het and queer readings. This thread is simply not the place for telling queer folks to not read/share their queer readings. It comes off as confrontational.
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cj and flick are clearly a couple (nobody can change my mind)

nan and chevre (cherve?) are definately dating, they have photo's of eachother and they have the same furniture layout in their houses

somepoint before nh was released, i think i read somewhere that isabelle is pan but idk if it was true

alsoo all smugs and uchi villagers ♡
I was so happpppy when I first talked to Flick, just so queer coded and feels so relatable to me ;-; absolute sweetie.
lol this thread. It basically boils down to if you don't share my opinion then go away.

Someone said they don't really care for shipping fictional characters and then everyone is pitches and forks at them.

that literally never happened lmao ?? not sure why you feel the need to come in here and stir things up after a staff member had to comment a second time.
I would agree that coming into a thread specifically about which characters are LGBTQ+ to disagree with another poster’s opinion by stating that you *don’t* read the character as such comes off as confrontational. As many have stated, this is a thread specifically *for* reading characters as gay/bi/lesbian/trans/queer and it is titled as such.

The members of the LGBTQ+ community should be able to freely discuss their interpretations without being contradicted and then gaslit about it.