White Elephant Creations

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Jingly Eggnog is bubble tea, but with jingle bells as boba.
I swapped one of my prompt words but nobody messed with mine, which means I'll be creating a Busy Fireplace. Lots to warm this holiday season, I guess.
Assigned Words: Stinky - Yule Log
This is according to our favorite kitty jock, Stinky:
Bruh, I have perfected the ultimate post-workout meal for the holidays-- this Limburger-Durian Yule Log!
In addition to the meticulously balanced macros, it also takes a strong arm and strong nose to lift it. The mushroom base is wrapped around a garlic cream STUDded with stinky tofu. Mom told me to add a garnish, so I used garlic bulbs and a fish tail. I dunno where those mushrooms came from, but kudos to the lil bros for recognizing good food. Now if only I could find my other sock so I can get dressed for the holiday party...GAAHHH

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