Who are the best (and worst) chicken villagers and why? 🐔

Best villager?

  • Ava

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • Becky

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • Egbert

    Votes: 13 12.9%
  • Goose

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • Knox

    Votes: 19 18.8%
  • Ken

    Votes: 33 32.7%
  • Plucky

    Votes: 24 23.8%
  • Benedict

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Broffina

    Votes: 8 7.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 14, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
Ok, the chickens....idk what to say, but theyre ok i guess...

BEST: Ava. She was my normal villager for a long time. She was sweet and always sang cute songs. Eventually, she had to go (for tia) and the whole reason i kicked her out was because i thought she was giving me garbage....i now regret my decision and should have kicked Ken out instead...i miss my sweet mother hen 😢😭

WORST: Ken or Plucky. Plucky annoyed me after she came to camp as soon as another chicken left. Now after i kicked Ava out, Ken decided he wanted to leave as well, cause he started giving me cheap sports items and garbage cans. I tried to kick him out, but every time i tried to, he was either in his house or asking to change his catchphrase... i was SO enraged 😡 (i was able to kick him out after LOTS of tries)
i've never had a chicken and i only recently learned they were in the game lol

but i think ken has a pretty snazzy design so i'll say he is the best then for worst i'll say benedict because he looks kinda weird
My favourite is Egbert, he has very sweet and innocent looking design, plus he's lazy but his pocket camp describes him as having a tendency to stay up too late so I find him pretty relatable.

There isn't really a chicken I dislike a lot but I'd say Knox is my least favourite as I don't think his design is as interesting as the other chickens, it's a bit plain while most of the others are bright and colourful.
I have never had a chicken villager, and not sure I ever will, but I find Benedict, Egbert, and (for reasons I cannot quite explain) Broffina to be quite cute.

I think I could grow to love plucky if I ever had her on my island. I like the sisterly personality a lot.

I dislike Knox, because I am not a fan of villagers who are permanently wearing helmets or who are royalty/nobility/ medieval themed.
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I had a whole coop of chickens in New Leaf but I don't think they translated all that well to New Horizons.Goose is probably still my favorite chicken man.
Plucky was one of my starting villagers on my island and I really have grown to love her. Not only does her house exterior fit my aesthetic and island theme, but she’s really sweet and her design is pretty cute too.

I’m not a fan of Knox. The royalty/medieval themed villagers aren’t my cup of tea. He’s cute, I guess, but no... 😔
I think my favorite chickens are Plucky and Egbert, with Knox and Goose as close seconds. Egbert's perpetual worried expression is very cute. :)
I have only had Broffina and I love her so I voted for her. I hope to eventually meet Egbert, Ken, and Plucky. Plucky's facial expressions though lol priceless.
Honestly I think all of them are well designed and given nice names.
I love a lot of the Chickens, would normally say Benedict for this, but I'm not keen on the NH lazies, so voting for my current villager, Ken.
Also this species is definitely suffering from not bringing old villagers back. Lots of good chooks haven't returned to AC from the originals.

Think the only one I'm not so keen on is Broffina of the list.
Best Chicken is Ninja Chicken: Ken

Ken is on my island is will likely be a perma member. I really like his design and his photo (one of the best in the game). His interior is also Japanese themed with a katana which is pretty cool.

Don't really hate any. Benedict was one of my random move ins but he moved out a week later so I didn't make a decision whether I liked him or not. Since I agreed to let him move I guess I'm pretty neutral to him like the rest of the chickens.
I voted for Ken and Knox because I love their ninja and knight designs. I've never had either of them as villagers before, though.

I have had Goose, who moved in randomly and I grew to really like him, and Becky, who I invited because of her coloring and I find myself liking her more and more.
Best Chicken is Plucky in my opinion, because she lives on my island and i love her so much so there's that. Her color scheme and design also pleases me the most out of all the other chickens.

Worst chicken, well, I wouldn't say worst but I think Ava underwhelms me a bit. Her personality is normal which has one of the more boring dialogues to begin with, and her design is very plain, just like... a normal chicken in the real life. Plus there are wayy to many cute villagers in the normal personality pool, I think Ava just doesn't stand out at all.
i love ken, he’s my fav. i always wanted to meet him in NL but never got to. ending up getting him on my island and instantly fell in love with him. unfortunately he had to move out to make room for my dreamies, it was honestly so hard to see him go.

worst id say is becky, not a fan of her design at all
Goose is great.

I hate Plucky because she was so mean to me. She gave me cheap items and trash cans, and I replaced her with Coco for a great reason!
Best chickens: Ken, Plucky and Goose (honorable mention goes to Ava)~
  • Ken - his colors really stood out to me in NH compared to NL, plus I found him on Bamboo Island, which is fitting seeing as though he is a ninja chicken 🥰 I really, really love the exterior aesthetic of his house! That blue/green looks amazing on sunny days.
  • Plucky - fun fact: she was originally a peppy villager back in ACPG! Her color scheme is super appealing and she's so rockin' that tropical vibe.
  • Goose - fun fact: he is not a goose. He's the legendary LoZ cucco so careful not to swing a sword around him!
Worst chickens: Broffina and Knox
  • Broffina - too much makeup... 🙄
  • Knox- not a fan of the medieval look... (glares at Sterling as well)
ava is the best in my opinion. i had her in gamecube so i remember her mostly by her sass 🖤☺️
ive never connected with the other chickens tbh
Goose is the only chicken I've had in a town.
He was ok.

Not a fan of their design.