Who's your favorite villager in your town?

COOKIE, MY BABY. Skye is a close second, but Cookie has always been my number one dreamie, and since I recently adopted her I'm freaking out and shall hug her forever.
Number One Favorite: Tie between O'Hare and Bob.

Runner Up: Rod Mainly because I like to make him say pirate-like
Savannah. <3 She's been my favorite (tied with Gaston) since the Gamecube-version.
Hmm... Basically, a 9 way tie between my current villagers. Apple, Bam, Bianca, Ch?vre, Erik, Fauna, Flora, Hamlet and Sydney. c;
My two favorites are Bam and Bluebear! I like Bam's music when I talk to him and the town toon plays. He is just really nice and adorbs. Bluebear was an original villager and we've been besties ever since. She comes to my house everyday and I love peppy villagers.

I like having Lobo, Kyle, and Wolfgang tho. It's like they're all brothers
At the moment, it is a tie between Chrissy and Hamphrey. Chrissy is one of the original inhabitants and is always upbeat and pleasant to be around, and Hamphrey is just a lot of fun with his amusing one-liners.
Tie between Fauna and Sydney <3

I changed my mind from my last post lol
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Zell from Pacaland, Puddles from Finch?
It'll take some time to come up with a conclusive answer. :\