Why's your title that title?

mine says send help because im never in an okay mental state, but it's all good... (mostly) its also a placeholder until i come up with something good.
🎵You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?…🎵
Because it is December, but I am still a Wild Child :LOL:

Couldn't think of any good festive adjectives that weren't just "festive", I think this one fits the avatar pretty well
Because that is who is is in my avatar and I can’t think of anything better or witty :/. I want to change it; I may change it when I commission someone to make a new avatar for me.
It's my acnh passport title. IRL friends think I'm too good at collecting villager photos. They think I have a special trick, lol.

So I created this title since villager photos are special items (heart) and to my irl friends I'm not sharing my secrets (greedy).

Here I am, the greedy heart stealer! 😘
my current user title is "lass es schneien" because that's the German equivalent of the phrase "let it snow." my last few user titles have been in German and I really like doing that so I wanted to continue the tradition!

I also decorated it with a snowman and snowflake, not only because snow but because they're my favorite symbols of Christmastime :)