Giveaway Yoshi egg + 1K TBT And the winners are.............^^

My favorite is the Chocolate Cake collectible, because it looks delicious. It also makes me hungry.
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Weird doll, weird doll, Weird doll, weird doll, Weird doll, weird doll, Weird doll, weird doll, Weird doll, weird doll, Weird doll, weird doll,Weird doll

Nah JK It's the Pokeball

Edited because of double post merge
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aw thanks for this giveaway, Cookie!
my favorite collectible is the Weeeeiiiiird Doll


(after that is a tie btw popsicle, yoshi egg, waluigi egg, and shamrock; third place for me is the vanilla stale cake)
My favorite is the pink feather. Thank you for hosting this generous giveaway!
My favorite collectible is the yellow cosmos because it's the only flower we have right now that resembles a sunflower which is my fav.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway ^-^
My favorite collectible is the Pikachu Egg
I really liked the pinwheel collectible, but I ended selling mine because I needed to let it go.
Thanks for the giveaway! My favorite collectible is the peach!
Thanks for doing this giveaway my favorite collectable is probably the White Feather collectible
This is an awesome giveaway! Gl everyone, my favorite collectable is the Voodoo Doll