Your opinions about Raymond

He was okay. But when the game first came out, his popularity kinda ruined him for me, and I only wanted him just so I can trade that villager for a flower glow wand collectible. To be honest, he’s a hundred times more overrated than Charizard.
When I first saw Raymond, I was immediately drawn to his unique aesthetic and charming personality. He's the kind of villager that makes my island feel special, and I enjoy having him as part of my community.
Raymond never bothered me as a villager. In fact, I actually like the guy's appearance a lot (he reminds me of David Bowie believe it or not). The only thing that bothered me was his fanbase in the beginning. He gained a LOT of notoriety before his amiibo card came out, and the great lengths people would go to get him sound ridiculous. One example I've heard is someone paying a lot of real-life money for another player to move Raymond over, and I've seen sellers on eBay charging services to do this. Like, really...

Thankfully, that phase is done and over with, and hopefully something like this won't happen again in the next game. Say what you want about him; it took me a while, but I grew to like him quite a bit.
I really don't get the whole thing with Raymond. As someone who has had him a few years ago, he's just like any other smug villager. Out of all the villagers that got a lot of love but at the same time a lot of hate was Raymond. Everywhere I see on Animal Crossing Sites its always "Raymond this and Raymond that" and it was everywhere. Now for me personally I got Raymond not because of the hype or fame, but because I like his style with the glasses and his business suit that fits my style. Unlike anyone else I treat him as a "friend" and not like some type of "crazy item" like some certain people try to do with him.

Some people took the whole Raymond hype way too seriously. I seen him getting charged so many Nook Mile Tickets on sites like Nookazon and even worse is when I saw people trying to sell him on Ebay using real money (Which goes against Nintendo's Terms of Service) and yet people still do it, because they wanted him so badly. Even worse is when people had Raymond the people who hate him shame others, just because they have him. I mean who cares? Don't shame people just because they have a ugly or popular villager.

I am pretty disappointed in the AC community for allowing this type of toxicity to last this long. I am glad that the hype is dying down "finally" but still I really wish next time when a new villager is announced or released in future we should treat them as "friends" and not like some type of "crazy value" Seriously I had to unfriend everyone who kept harrasssing me because I had Raymond. I REFUESE to let him go and get mistreated by others.
He's cute, but he's also overrated. I don't like how people are obsessed with putting him in a maid dress, it doesn't suit him at all in my opinion.
raymond plain villager. very mid. dispaointing when he came to my isalnd. but i sold him lol
i like him! he’s on my island. like his design, has a nice catchphrase. i’d say i prefer marshal (have both), but he’s my secondary smug choice.
I really like his design and he was one of my fave new villagers for NH but the moment I found out he was supposed to be some sort of salaryman/office worker his coolness level dropped a lot for me and now I don't really care about him that much lol
I wanted to add another thing...

What was the motivation to always put Raymond in a maid's dress? That just doesn't seem right to me. It's okay to be a bit adventurous every once in a while, but I just can't stand seeing him in that outfit. There is a TON of fanart of him wearing said dress, and I always scroll past it because it always makes me roll my eyes.

Meanwhile, I saw a piece on Pinterest that had him sitting on the floor, crying, with the hands of a villager holding mystery island tickets in one hand and a maid's dress in the other, as if they're angrily forcing Raymond to comply with their demands. If Raymond were a real living being, I'd bet that's how he would actually feel in such scenarios. I can't believe I actually feel remorse about a fictional character's questionable popularity, but that's what the series has done to me. I'll just say this: I like Raymond, and I feel bad that some people treated him poorly.
I think I need to see a therapist
I always forget I even owned Raymond at one point, don't dislike him but I don't really care about him. Nice office theme that's it, not a big cat person...
I like him, he's alright. I had him on my island for a while, but he didn't really click with me as well as other smugs did. I think it was the boring office theme that made it hard for me to care that much, and HHP hadn't been released at the time, so all I could do was try to give him a few items to change it up a bit. It didn't work at all.

After I got his photo and he was ready to leave, I gave him away for free on here.
So, I took a hiatus from the Animal Crossing community for a while, even after playing New Horizons upon launch. I didn't really pay attention to the new villagers released as none of them really caught my eye.

Now, as I am back playing New Horizons, I had Raymond move randomly onto my island. I was pretty neutral about it as I have never seen him before, and he wasn't terrible looking, so I happily welcomed him.

I had NO IDEA that Raymond was actually one of the more popular villagers, he wasn't that special to me lol!

After living with him on my island for a while now, I have warmed up to the guy. He isn't my favourite, or a dreamie, and he will be leaving my island to make room for my actual dreamies, but for now, I enjoy his company. I also like that he has different coloured eyes, and PINK TOE BEANS! He's definitely one of my favourite cats.
He’s fine. I don’t think he’s amazing or awful. There’s much worse villagers, but there’s a lot more that I think are better. If I had him I wouldn’t be super excited, but I wouldn’t mind him either.
i love him, he’s a fun cat! i knew that i wanted to redesign his default house design though… such a cold interior

i just found him to look very cute but was surprised at the hype? cult-like obsession? over him… very shocking haha
but it was an interesting time for sure
I don’t have an issue with him. He’s not my favorite and he’s not my least favorite. I agree it was a bit ridiculous to be spending really money on him. Like, I love Lucky he’s my favorite villager but unless I was buying his amiibo card I would not spend real money on him. I think lockdown just made everyone a little crazy. And it felt very reminiscent of like 2012-2014 tumblr with his nerd glasses and 2 different colored eyes lol. I know he did numbers obviously that’s what this thread was about but he would have thrived on 2012-2014 tumblr lol. Put him in a galaxy dress or leggings omg.
Raymond was an interesting online adventure, watching his popularity build as the acnh hype train came through and then wane. For that I do thank him for entertaining me, lol.

As for the villager himself, I think he has a nice design (I like mainly greyscale) and I think his house style is really unique. I'm sure he's perfect on a lot of people's islands! But..... little office man does NOT meet the whimsy requirements to live on Meadow. He looks like he would collect taxes for Tom Nook. I don't hold it against the character personally but I'm not looking for him specifically for that reason, you know?

I actually had him on my old island, Harvest, for a brief moment before giving him away to someone who was super excited to have him. I figure that's good enough for me.
Mid. He’s not that good. I said what I said. I’m not just saying that to be different because everyone loves him, because even before I knew he was so popular, when I was just starting playing AC, I didn’t think he was that special. He’s not bad, but on a tier list, I’d put him somewhere in C tier.
i'm honestly surprised this is still a "discourse" LOL. i mean don't get me wrong it's an opinion, however i haven't seen this type of thing since the game's release, so i was surprised that people still commented about his "relevancy" status (obv this thread started in late 2020).

personally, i like him. he's on my island and has been since the start of my island. i can totally see why people do or don't like him, just like any other villager. i think the coolest feature about him is his heterochromia.

bonus, although i'm unsure of anyone remembering this, there was once a thread here that started off as a raymond opinion thread, which then later exploded into a huge miscellaneous spam thread (which later got taken down for obvious reasons LOL)