。*・゜☆・ ゜✧・。 • ・
I wear my mask in shops and in the taxi
I take off my mask when I’m out the shop
I might make one for my build a bear
I take off my mask when I’m out the shop
I might make one for my build a bear
Stores have gotten really strict around here and typically won’t let people in without a mask.
I work in a warehouse and they’ve recently banned neck gaiters and bandanas for employees while working in the warehouse, stating that they don’t provide any protection. If I must wear a mask, it’s always a neck gaiter, but I’ve had to get a different mask for my job just because it pays very well and it’s not a difficult job at all. I do think wearing masks should be a personal choice and not forced by businesses or government mandates, but I think the government should have less power in general... not just with the mask thing.
It doesn't matter the context, your rights end where my rights begin. No one else's rights are more important than my own, they are equal.
I can't stand cigarette smoke, but when I go for a walk in the park and there is a heavy smoker in front of me puffing away, leaving me to walk through his/her cloud of smoke, is it my right to have him/her put his head in a plastic bag while smoking? No it is not. It is my choice to step aside, stop and let him/her gain some distance, etc...
As i stated before, my rights ended where his/her rights began. Remember to MYOB people. If you want to wear a mask, great wear it. If you don't, don't shop where it is mandatory. If you want some middle ground, wear one only when required. If you are afraid or in danger, get someone else to face that fear/danger for you. You can't muzzle the world based on your own fears.
What is it about hand sanitiser that makes you allergic if you don't mind me asking?I’ve had certain stores require hand sanitizer upon entrance, and I’ve had to leave because I can’t use it. I’m severely allergic and that’s when I believe it started getting out of hand... Businesses requiring masks? I’m not for it, but it’s understandable I guess. But businesses requiring SANITIZER upon entrance? That’s ridiculous. Maybe I’m a bit biased being allergic but that just seems very odd to me.
Whenever I used it, my skin would just break out and become all red and itchy. It’s nothing Cortizone cream won’t heal though. I use baby wipes as an alternative.What is it about hand sanitiser that makes you allergic if you don't mind me asking? I've been to shops where the sanitiser is very thick in substance (and usually scented too) and whilst it does it's job of cleaning your hands it can leave them very sticky for a long time afterwards. Whereas at my place of employment the hand sanitiser is more water in substance because the alcohol content is a lot higher but dries instantly on your hands when applying it.
To be honest though, once this pandemic is over I really hope hand sanitising stations stick around, even if it's just as an option before entering shops etc. The fact everyone is cleaning their hands more often and helping to eliminate other bugs and viruses is quite remarkable. It just goes to show that with keeping up with personal hygiene and general cleanliness can help benefit our health in the longterm.
@Fruit & more
Do you have a clue about rights? I think not.
You put yourself in danger when you...
Cross the street (lookout, there's a bus coming)
Climb into a motor vehicle (is that a drunk driver)
Go to the bank (is today the day it will be robbed)
Go swimming at the beach (ahh Shark)
So should we ban crossing the street to save a life?
Should we ban alcohol?
Should we ban masks so a bank robber can be identified easier?
Should we kill all the sharks so I can swim in safety?
Please, be real....
To say my right to be comfortable is less than your right to live (without fear) is placing your right above mine. Sorry, it doesn't work that way Sir
Show me proof that masks work.
Are you merely parroting what you've been told? Sounds like it.
...oh and how can I get anyone sick if I myself an not sick you since expert you?
The sooner people get vaccinated, the sooner people can stop wearing masks. If a lot of people refuse to get vaccinated, then everyone will have to wear masks longer because masks and social distancing are the only reliable ways to stop the spread of COVID outside of people getting vaccinated.Regarding the vaccine, I don’t really see a point in it if we still have to wear masks. I hope airlines won’t require it for travel, but I simply don’t see how that wouldn’t happen. There are already required shots to go to certain countries.
My job is actually paying money in order to get the vaccination, but I won’t be getting it. They’re paying $300, but it’s taxed so it’s not really worth it in my opinion.