I think it is perfectly reasonably to decide to no longer be friends with somebody over this. It carries the same or at least a comparable weight, as somebody who actively chooses to rally against vaccinations and refuses to get their children vaccinated.
Those decisions are not harmless. Those decisions are not self contained. If choosing to not wear a mask only harmed yourself maybe it would be different but we know that wearing masks is for the benefit of others. Hell, making sure that you stay healthy is also a benefit to others. Because if you end up sick because you’re actively choosing to go without a mask you might end up in the ICU and we are constantly hearing about how we don’t have enough beds in the hospitals.
Getting vaccinated is for your benefit and the benefit of others. By choosing to not wear a mask or not get vaccinated you are willingly allowing yourself to not only get yourself sick but potentially pass on the virus to others.
The fact that you can carry covid without displaying symptoms is an even stronger reason to wear one every time you go out. If you can’t tell when you’re potentially infected you need to take the same precautions as if you know you are.
In regards to the religion comparison I also have every right to break off friendships with people if their religious views affect our friendship. If I can’t be friends with a devout Christian or somebody devout in another faith without them constantly talking about how being a lesbian is a sin, how I’m going to hell, or how I need help then I will break off the friendship.
Heck, it doesn’t even need to be sexuality based. I will break off the friendship if the religious person in question is using their religion to make me feel bad or lesser than in anyway. And that is well within my right.
I can and I am happily friends with religious people who don’t think that their views are the be all and end all. If they want to tell me about a special holiday or something religious going on in their lives they’re more than welcome to! But when they try and tell me that I’m wrong for not being religious our friendship stops. And that’s okay.
Yes to everything
@-Lumi- just said!
When people willfully choose not to wear a mask because they feel it's some mark of oppression or brainwash'sim then it says A LOT about them. Like how selfish do you have to be to not want to keep others safe? Like you shouldn't be going out to begin with so the absolute least you could do while you're out shopping at Kohls is wear the dang mask. Like you're not going to stay home and avoid unnecessary trips so the very least you can do is wear a mask to make sure you don't infect anybody else.
And just yes to all the religious stuff you mentioned as well! Overly pushy religious people are quick to get the boot from me. It's just too much and so hateful, I can't waste my energy on those people.
But all in all, virus is still going on folks, we're almost there, but we can't get there if people just stop wearing masks and stop social distancing because vaccines are becoming more and more available. When they give us the all clear it will be great, until then just wear your freaking mask or i don't know, don't go out for unnecessary crap like meaningless shopping and going out to eat and all that.
I am just going to put this in one reply, since these are connected to each other.
But first, I would like to address something to
tiffanistarr personally. What did you mean by "How selfish could you be to not want to keep others safe"? Was this addressed to me personally, or where you referring to anyone in general who chooses to not wear a face mask? Because I did say that I DO wear them in public, as much as it can be a pain. Doing something that makes a yourself uncomfortable is
selfless, whether you agree with the mandates or not. And I am almost 100% sure people have their reasons other than just "Oh, I don't want to keep people safe!" -- if people like that really exist, then I am concerned for humanity. Of course, we want to try our hardest to keep others safe and end this pandemic as soon as possible.
This actually takes me to the mention of vaccines by
-Lumi-. Yes, my household will be getting ours in a month or so (they not quite yet available at our CVS store yet, and my dad plans on waiting a bit before taking us, so we don't have to deal with jampacked).
While I don't have a problem with anti-maskers, I will admit anti-vaxxers do made me angry. Vaccines are the main key to stopping this virus, and I hate it when I see/read a complaint from someone saying that vaccines will causes certain health conditions. Not only does it make everyone worry and spread falsely harmful information, but these people are driving others away from getting vaccinated. The faster people get vaccinated, the sooner all of this will end.
I know you two guys who I quoted haven't done anything to discourage people from getting vaccines, so I apologize if it comes of as so. I just wanted to clarify that I am pro-vaccination, and I didn't want you guys to think that I am anti-vaccination, just because I don't agree with mask mandates.
Please also understand that just because I and certain people don't agree with the mandates, this does not mean that we don't follow them -- a lot of us DO follow them.
As for the religious comparison, I apologize for not being clear enough on that. If someone is pushing their beliefs on you, saying your lifestyle is a sin, etc., then yes, that is 100% a valid reason to unfriend someone. I just meant unfriending someone MERELY for having a different religion. Like if a person minds there own business about their religion, and let's a person live their life and accepts and loves them for they you are -- yet they still unfriends them, THAT is what I meant.
I know religion is a very touchy subject, and I will admit, it probably wasn't the best thing to compare mask mandate stances to, but it was the first one (and only) thing that popped into my head, as the thing they have in common is you are unfriending someone for a certain belief. Please note that I am not talking about hateful beliefs (e.g. LGBT is a sin) -- I just mean simple ones that don't discriminate against against a group.
I completely understand these passionate pro-maskers want people do what they can to slow/stop the virus, I do. We all want this to be over ASAP, weather we agree with the mask mandates or not. I just wish they understand the inconvenience of wearing a mask for an extended period of time can be like for some of us.