Your stance on wearing masks?

Do you wear a mask?

  • Yes, I wear one all the time whenever I’m around other people.

    Votes: 172 68.3%
  • Yes, but only in stores where it is required. I remove it after leaving.

    Votes: 70 27.8%
  • No, I don’t wear a mask by personal choice.

    Votes: 6 2.4%
  • No, I am unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Other (Explain in the comments)

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters
These poll results right now are encouraging!

Yes, I listen to health officials and always wear a mask. I don't go out much but when I do, I keep a mask on from the moment I step out of my car until I return.
I only wear a face mask when I'm around other people, if I'm going for a walk with absolutely no one around then I can't justify wearing one. A few months ago (just before Christmas), there was a lady at the tills, a customer, without a mask. As far as I'm aware, she was never questioned on it either. It's possible that she might have had a condition, but it was not physical so its difficult to make a judgement without knowing the circumstances. However, I know many people with breathing conditions who still wear masks and respect the rules, and I praise those that do. It was very strange to see only one person without a mask, and she definitely stood out.
I always wear a mask around others to keep everyone safe as much as possible, even if I have to put up with smelling my stinky breath lol. If that isn't an option, I try to keep a good distance from them. As for New Horizons, I don't. I really don't want to be reminded of that while playing. If people wear masks in game to send a message, that's fine.
Man I just LOVE wearing the mask. It keeps me anonymous, I don't have to small to people when I'm talking to them, it's warm, and I can make funny faces under lmao.
I'll absolutely keep wearing them once we don't have to.
I wear one when it's required like in shops and on public transport as thats the only time I'm out and about when I'm not at home or at work where we don't have to wear masks. If I'm near people at work or in the public I stick to social distancing along with making sure there's ventilation inside enclosed areas.
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I wear it when I'm in stores or around other people. Not outside, but I'm also distanced when I'm outside and avoid passing people on sidewalks.
I hate wearing a mask, so I only wear one when it's required. My mom recently started wearing two masks and she's trying to convince me to do the same, but that's not happening. I already have trouble breathing in one mask.

I would never wear one in animal crossing because I play games to escape real life.
Whenever I go out I always wear a mask. The only time I don't is when I meet up with family, which probably isn't the safest but I don't want them to be offended or anything of the liking!
I won't say that I wear one "all" the time when around other people...but, when it comes to the general public, I definitely do. It's not a big deal at all...and I actually like wearing one in some cases. Even after this is over, I might keep wearing a bandana in certain situations just because I like to (especially in the winter, when this keeps my face warm...and actually helps me breath better in the cold).

Anti-maskers have been brainwashed. Plain and simple. Ironically, the very logic that they are using to claim that people are "sheep" for wearing the masks is the exact reason why they are choosing not to wear one. It's a two-sided coin that they completely fail to grasp. Also, I can't bear to listen to people complain that they "can't breathe" with one on. I mean...let me tell you, if you "can't breathe" with a thin layer of cloth or paper over your face, then you better see a doctor right quick...because, you have bigger problems. People literally workout in the gym, jog, hike, etc. while wearing masks. If you can't breathe with one on...that's a serious personal issue.
I wear one whenever it's mandatory, so whenever I'm in a shop (since lockdown v.3 started the only time I'm around other people is at the supermarket). Sometimes I keep it on while walking around outside too, just because it keeps my face warmer in winter.

I've seen a few people in shops not wearing masks recently, which is disappointing :/
I double mask + face shield. I live in a conservative area where "patriots" refuse to wear masks because "my rights", so I try to stay as safe as possible.

Businesses allow them in with no issues. I've even seen employees with no masks.
Stores have gotten really strict around here and typically won’t let people in without a mask.

I work in a warehouse and they’ve recently banned neck gaiters and bandanas for employees while working in the warehouse, stating that they don’t provide any protection. If I must wear a mask, it’s always a neck gaiter, but I’ve had to get a different mask for my job just because it pays very well and it’s not a difficult job at all. I do think wearing masks should be a personal choice and not forced by businesses or government mandates, but I think the government should have less power in general... not just with the mask thing.
I wear a mask in shops/public buildings, in cars, and even when walking to and from shops because it saves having to keep putting it on and taking it off. I don't wear one if I'm just going for a walk in my local park, as I can stay well away from other people. I'm in an at-risk group, so I'm very aware of people getting too close to me, not wearing masks, or wearing one but fiddling with it constantly. I do struggle with breathing a bit sometimes, but I still wear one because, well, why wouldn't I? I don't want coronavirus and I don't want to spread it.

Just today I was talking to a family member about how it's great there's loads of different styles so people can wear cute designs (this morning I was wearing my rainbow mask :) ).

I strongly believe we should continue to wear masks during flu season or when we're sick, even when the pandemic is under control. It just seems polite to not go round spreading your germs to everyone else. I'll keep wearing mine in the future. And they keep your face nice and warm when it's cold!

I honestly get angry at people who won't wear one just because they don't like it (if you have a legitimate medical reason, that's obviously totally different and 100% fine). It's just a piece of fabric. It's selfish, because masks aren't just about protecting yourself, but everyone around you.
I honestly don't like wearing an mask, especially in California when summer comes around, but I know its truly better safe then sorry for yourself and others. I already know 3 people who have passed away from this virus so, its completely real.

Just please wear your mask
If the mask mandate is introduced before people have a chance to opt in on their own terms then I can see how that is somewhat unfair. I think not having a mandate would also put less pressure/ridicule on those who genuinely can't wear a mask which would be a big benefit to not having one. I know in some other places masks aren't mandated and people are still doing just fine because enough people (not everyone but enough) wear masks voluntarily. But sadly I live where stupid people are, where they won't do anything unless actually forced in to it so that's why I'm pro mandate for my area specifically.

As for private businesses though they can make whatever rules they want because it's a private business 🤷‍♀️ (as long as they make reasonable accommodations of course, such as offering curbside pickup)
Regarding the vaccine, I don’t really see a point in it if we still have to wear masks. I hope airlines won’t require it for travel, but I simply don’t see how that wouldn’t happen. There are already required shots to go to certain countries.

My job is actually paying money in order to get the vaccination, but I won’t be getting it. They’re paying $300, but it’s taxed so it’s not really worth it in my opinion.
I'm always wearing one when I'm out and around ppl, but once I went into the forest and forgot (it was in my pocket though).
I was already wearing one before Covid because of my allergies (dust, pollen, fine particles) so it doesn't annoy me.
At least now, nobody pays attention to me anymore for wearing one.
i always wear a mask! not double masking yet, but i haven't really been able to find any good rules/guidelines/standards on it and theres some mixed info about it to i might when theres more information out about it. but yeah i wear my mask in public *always.* even if we're walking a trail and theres no one around i wear my mask in case we run into someone (but also it keeps my face warmer hehe)
i think i'll probably continue wearing masks even when we dont really have to anymore, like for colds and stuff. i also get bad allergies in the spring w the pollen so masks can maybe help with that. plus some masks are kinda cute!!

i think the mask-wearing for me is something i take very seriously because both of my parents are in kind of at-risk groups when it comes to covid, so i like to take whatever precaution i can! i understand not everyone may have the same paranoia as me when it comes to covid, especially since both of my parents *did* end up getting sick with it last year (they are both healthcare workers, so they contracted covid from the workplace). i have to say, it was extremely stressful, and i don't wish those kinds of fears that can come from dealing with covid first-hand on anyone, not even people who don't wear masks or don't really "believe" in covid. but i think the most frustrating thing is that my parents are forced to enter contact with patients who do not care about covid or any of the safety precautions regarding covid (such as wearing masks) and then who has to deal with the ramifications of their selfishness? when they do get sick, who is in charge of their care? i think this is the biggest reason i wear masks, because i just can't live with the idea that i might have gotten someone else sick from my own disregard of very, very simple precautions. i also definitely stopped having discomfort with wearing masks after i had to wear one in my own house for 4 weeks when my parents were sick. it's something you can absolutely acclimate to (just note that i don't have like, medical issues or any type of sensory issues), though i do understand why a lot of people can't.

anyways, thats the end of my tyrade lol.

tl;dr i wear masks literally everywhere and wear masks if you can
I am 100% pro mask. I have a handful of fabric ones and I make sure to always wear one when I am going into a store. I wash mine often to make sure they're clean and ready to be worn again. I don't go out very often, only to the grocery store and the pharmacy when needed, so that's when I wear them. I think that if you are able to wear one you definitely should as they help keep other people safe.

I sympathize with not enjoying wearing them - it makes my anxiety flare up for some reason. I try to be quick with my trips because of it. I'm already a pretty nervous person in general and don't love crowds. Covid has sort of upped that feeling of uneasiness for me and then to be wearing a mask on top of it? Yeah, it can be tricky. It can make me feel light headed more easily since I already get that short of breath feeling when I'm nervous, which makes me dizzy and feel a bit sick. But I try to remember to do my little breathing exercises, focus on something else, and finish what I'm doing. I'll keep my mask on until I've returned the cart to it's little area just because it makes me feel safer since I'll be walking by people as I'm putting the cart away.

I am also in favour of the mask mandate. I think it's necessary, even though I wish it wasn't. Before the mandate was put into effect in my province it was very rare to see anybody wear a mask. I fully believe that without the mask mandate there would be a lot of people who can wear a mask, simply choosing not to. Which does put other people at risk and I don't think that's fair. If you can't wear a mask for genuine medical reasons that's completely different. I think they should still try to limit their outings (ie: stick to only going to essential stores) but that's a different discussion.

As for masks in games? That's not my cup of tea, personally. I don't make my character wear one and I don't tell people they have to wear one when they visit. If they want to wear one that's totally fine and I'm not going to tell them to take it off, lol. I just don't personally have my character wear one.