Unrealistic dream:
Super Mario Sunshine HD
GameCube Virtual Console
Animal Crossing amiibos of all my favorite NPC’s
Cuphead and Rare replay on Switch
Realistic wish list:
Animal Crossing main series game
SNES/N64/Gameboy/DS games released on eShop
Spyro trilogy
Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and Retro studios project (that hopefully isn’t the Star Fox racing rumor) gameplay and release dates
Will probably happen and leave me disappointed:
Mario Maker rererelease
Smash 5 that is mostly Smash 4 with new content taking up half the show
ARMS dlc
3DS games galore (that I’ll never get because I’m too hyped for Switch)
Super Mario Sunshine HD
GameCube Virtual Console
Animal Crossing amiibos of all my favorite NPC’s
Cuphead and Rare replay on Switch
Realistic wish list:
Animal Crossing main series game
SNES/N64/Gameboy/DS games released on eShop
Spyro trilogy
Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and Retro studios project (that hopefully isn’t the Star Fox racing rumor) gameplay and release dates
Will probably happen and leave me disappointed:
Mario Maker rererelease
Smash 5 that is mostly Smash 4 with new content taking up half the show
ARMS dlc
3DS games galore (that I’ll never get because I’m too hyped for Switch)