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Nintendo Direct: E3 2018

I played Odyssey for a good minute, but I'd rather see another 2D Mario platformer versus the 3D. Mario Kart was played for maybe an hour before it got just as lame and boring as it is on any console. So now the switch sits on a shelf collecting dust awaiting Yoshi or an AC game. Still worth every penny and I probably would have shelled out more if it had a higher price.

I rarely play new releases, but will continue to buy Nintendo's stuff seeing as it was such a pivotal and crucial part of my childhood so I'll continue to support them and play what little is catered to my interest. A great added bonus for the switch for me would be Mario Maker considering that's the only game I still play on the Wii U.

It's refreshing to see someone justifying their purchases and knowing what they want and having realistic expectations. Too many people buy consoles on here hoping for unrealistic releases and continually judge whether or not their purchase was worth it based on what games are released.
I bet VR will be announced. Get ready to see the surprise returns of Endless Ocean and Pokemon Snap.
The only thing I'm more interested into is the N64 Classic Edition. Now that Virtual Console has ended service for good, I'd put my hopes on the mini-consoles.
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AC Switch please! And not a spinoff... If it's a spinoff I will be depressed.
The only thing I'm more interested into is the N64 Classic Edition. Now that Virtual Console has ended service for good, I'd put my hopes on the mini-consoles.

It's a shame, they get to a portable/console hybrid that would be perfect for VC, and they just stop. It's got to be a bad joke.

The N64 Mini? Pardon my bluntness, but they can shove it. I already own an N64. If I wanted to have to find another place/way to plug in a system to play N64 games, I've already got that covered. Now I'm not saying that the N64 Mini shouldn't exist altogether... I just think that if it that's the "reason" that they aren't going to give us VC, I'm really mad.
It's a shame, they get to a portable/console hybrid that would be perfect for VC, and they just stop. It's got to be a bad joke.

The N64 Mini? Pardon my bluntness, but they can shove it. I already own an N64. If I wanted to have to find another place/way to plug in a system to play N64 games, I've already got that covered. Now I'm not saying that the N64 Mini shouldn't exist altogether... I just think that if it that's the "reason" that they aren't going to give us VC, I'm really mad.

Tell me, are there things you don't hate? It's okay to disagree with things but you're so fierce about basically everything...
It's a shame, they get to a portable/console hybrid that would be perfect for VC, and they just stop. It's got to be a bad joke.

The N64 Mini? Pardon my bluntness, but they can shove it. I already own an N64. If I wanted to have to find another place/way to plug in a system to play N64 games, I've already got that covered. Now I'm not saying that the N64 Mini shouldn't exist altogether... I just think that if it that's the "reason" that they aren't going to give us VC, I'm really mad.

well i mean some of us 2 year olds werent alive back in the stoneage times

but seriously for us who never owned an n64 it is really great
Tell me, are there things you don't hate? It's okay to disagree with things but you're so fierce about basically everything...

To add to this, and again not to be rude, but it just seems like Nintendo isn't your jam anymore/atm . Like maybe you should get a different console cause you're clearly not loving on Nintendo all that much.

Then again I don't completely disagree with you so meh
To add to this, and again not to be rude, but it just seems like Nintendo isn't your jam anymore/atm . Like maybe you should get a different console cause you're clearly not loving on Nintendo all that much.

Then again I don't completely disagree with you so meh

Are you talking to lars708 or Envy?
i'm just here to say i want animal crossing (like everyone else)
if it's announced i'll cry
if it isn't announced i'll also cry

other than that idk what i want but i hope there's things i'm gonna be interested in
Tell me, are there things you don't hate? It's okay to disagree with things but you're so fierce about basically everything...

I'm curious why you're even attacking me for this post. I'm clearly unhappy that N64 VC isn't coming to the Switch, and I feel like the N64 Mini is just kind of a slap to the face.

For example, I'd love to have Paper Mario N64 (something I don't hate, surprise! =P) on my Switch... But alas, it seems like that's too much to ask for, and I find that to be very sad considering that VC has been a mainstay on every system since the Wii.

To add to this, and again not to be rude, but it just seems like Nintendo isn't your jam anymore/atm . Like maybe you should get a different console cause you're clearly not loving on Nintendo all that much.

I don't think you're being fair here. I seem negative here, but Nintendo is the company I most look forward to the presentations of. Like, I can say I'm bored to tears watching presentations for any other company. I like many of Nintendo's franchises, and I really like that they are less gritty violent zombie war apocalypse and more colorful, cartoony games. Other types of games I really can't even watch without feeling a little sick, much less play. (I really want to try that new Assassin's Creed game, though, because I love the setting and pretty much everything aside from the violence). The list of non-Nintendo franchises I enjoy? Very limited... Kingdom Hearts, The Sims (which is sadly a dying franchise), Ace Attorney, and a new addition: Persona.

I'm just facing a bit of frustration with Nintendo right now because they just aren't delivering IMO. A franchise I have looked forward to every single mainline entry since the very beginning, Pokemon, has now left me very disappointed. While that will hopefully change next year with the real core title, I've just been sick and tired of not really having any games to play on the Switch. I thought for sure that would change the last half of this year, and it very well still could... But to think that not even Pokemon could deliver something worth playing. It's a blow to me.

The Switch's portability is actually something I've really loved. I just wish I could have more games to actually play on it.

For the record, I do own other systems - A PS4 and a PC. But Nintendo is always who I look forward to the most. Oddly enough I was content buying a PS4 just for Kingdom Hearts III, but I hold Nintendo to higher standards, because I know they have many franchises I love. I just wish some of them would show up that aren't just Wii U ports or watered-down games (Pokemon).

I HOPE that SSB5 is exciting and that hopefully we'll see a new Animal Crossing. If both of those turn out true, I could have a bit of a different outlook tomorrow.

Then again I don't completely disagree with you so meh

Then why even go through this?
Can we stop with the snide remarks and passive aggressive comments and go back to civilly discussing out hopes for E3, thanks.
I'm with Envy in regards to the N64 Classic console. Selling an entirely different console with a limited selection of games is wholly inferior to the Virtual Console experience we've been graced with on the 3DS, Wii, and Wii U. I've never seen the appeal of the NES Classic or SNES Classic because you're getting less variety than you have potential for on the Virtual Console, another device to hook up, and it potentially costs more if you only care about playing a few of the games they chose for you. Having a selection chosen for you instead of having those selected games available alone in addition to being able to choose games that are more niche, that were previously available on Virtual Console, isn't great. Overall they've always just seemed like money grubbing schemes to me, and Nintendo have generally been making more money grabs than they had in the past. Yes, the objective of business is to make money, but with all the changes in management in the years since Iwata's death it feels to me like they're messing with the balance a bit too much.

Heck, I'm not even completely sold on the Switch because it seems like a half-baked console with a lot of faults, like the screen scratching if improperly placed on the dock, reports of issues with the left joycon, and inattentive people getting the wrist straps stuck. I'm only potentially interested in picking one up in the future because I'm a fan of Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and (sometimes) Fire Emblem. The paid online, while understandable, is disappointing. The method to communicate with your friends and other players is sort of ridiculous. Heck, as someone who usually got both versions of the Pokemon games, the increased cost of Switch cartridges compared to 3DS games sucks. I was honestly more interested in purchasing a Wii U than I am about the Switch, but I probably will get one at some point down the line when something I'm interested in pops up. If not for the few series that I like, I'm almost tempted to either jump ship to Sony, put the money toward a better PC, or quit games entirely.

This isn't to rain on anyone's parade, some of us just have issues with some decisions they're making. If you're excited for an N64 Classic, cool, have fun with it.


I am hoping for a new earthbound
Shigesato Itoi is most likely never going to make another Mother/EarthBound game, so you're most likely going to be waiting a long time. In addition, here is an exerpt from an interview back in 2015:
"When I made [Mother] 3, I thought I could do it, so I did it," Itoi said in an interview with Japanese gaming outlet Game Watch Impress (translated via Kotaku). But when it comes to a new entry, he said it would be "totally impossible."

This is because Itoi simply doesn't have a brilliant idea for another entry and he doesn't want to drag the series on. "Among big-time popstars, if they, you know, put out ten albums, around the fourth album, they can't make very good songs," he said. "The albums sell, but everyone at the concerts wants to hear songs from those first three albums. Everyone."

"I'm glad that video games are not my profession," said the famous ad man and essayist. "If it was my job, I would've already made 4 and 5."

For what it's worth, I believe he has said in the past that he would like to see what other people could bring to the table with a new Mother game, but I don't think that is going to happen outside of fan games like Mother 4. I don't think I'd want anyone else to make a Mother game though. If the creator isn't involved then I'd worry the product would lack the charm and humor that made the series worthwhile.

If anything, I'd want games that share the gameplay but wholly removed from the Mother world.


Yeah because a popular game hasn't even had a sign of having a new one in almost 6 years and they try to be funny by releasing these bad spin-offs. It's funny how this is an animal crossing forum and there are people who don't even care about getting a new game any time soon.
Some people are content with Pocket Camp, to be fair. Just because people like you and I aren't interested in the side games doesn't mean there's been a full on drought. It would be cool to see a information or a tease of the next main series installment, but not worth getting all too upset over if there's no mention tomorrow. It seems like they enjoy revealing stuff on Nintendo Directs as well, so all hope wouldn't necessarily be lost.


I don't have much that I'm hoping for from E3. I look forward to what they show, but I'm not eagerly anticipating anything. Fire Emblem news is good, but I won't know whether I actually want to bother purchasing it until we know more than they're going to talk about now. I'm skipping Let's Go, Eevee! and Let's Go, Pikachu! so not all that interested in that either. If anything, I guess I'd just want new series unrelated to their major franchises, or third party ports or something. Here's hoping whatever we get is interesting at least.
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Since we?ve boiled it down to hoping that they release things that interest us, how about a new Kid Icarus game?

We got Kid Icarus: Uprising for the 3DS, and a lot of others and myself loved that game for all the replay ability, the unique stand thing for the 3DS, and the online in post-game.

But they are definitely not done with that series yet, are they? I have a feeling with the Switch?s hardware they could take the game one step further, and we could have two different modes for at home and on the go Kid Icarus. To take the franchise into the future like the Switch did with Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Well, what do you guys think about this?
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