Don't Need Words
Yell at everyone in text talk
HEY!! We already hit 1,000 just yesterday!!
HEY!! We already hit 1,000 just yesterday!!
I'd pay serious money to go bowl there.I know, but we're still going to do this.I think some people said to try and reach a million posts. Nevertheless...
Build a Wal-mart bowling alley in the middle of the store. Then, instead of using bowling balls and pins, use a shopping cart as a replacement for bowling balls and random children as pins.
I'd pay serious money to go bowl there.
Oh, and if you're a guy, put some lingerie on your head like a hat and proudly walk around with it.
Since it's Halloween time get a group of 5+ friends and open all of the Banana costumes and run through the produce section to save all of your fruity comrades!