1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart

push your shopping cart at other shoppers and yell 'STRIKE' when you know them down
Play that "am i gregnant" video (check Oblivia's blog) on all the monitors on the loudest volume
You walk straight to the back, go inside the break room, reheat your leftovers in the microwave and leave like it is no-one's business.
spend hours reorganizing their shoddily constructed displays
especially those fricking candy bins
Hand out pick up notes for random packages to random people and tell them they must pay or you'll turn them in to the police.
Slap a "fragile" shipping sticker on random people and proceed trying to mail them somewhere
Dress up as Bernie Sanders and hold socialist speeches and try to get votes for next election
cut the bungee cables holding the ball cage together then stand back and watch the rubber tidal wave ensue
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what's with the bouncy rubber balls obsession here xD

Anyways, replace all the Pokemon cards with random pin-up pictures.
stage a peta animal rights protest in the trading card aisle because POKEMON IS TOTALLY JUST A METAPHOR FOR DOGFIGHTING GUYS!!!1!!

jk i hate peta with the passion of a thousand exploding neutron stars
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ikr peta is like the least legit thing out there..

anyways take all the popcorn seeds and put them in the exchange machine while the cashier is away