1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart

Take all their barbie dolls and make them meat dresses to wear(grab the meat from the carts), then hand them out to people.
Steal their entire supply of McDonald’s Fries and give it to Callie
Get on the conveyor belt of the busiest line in the store and yell out "WALUIGIS NUMBAH WAN!!!" really loudly.
Steal everything and replace every aisle with Snake from Metal Gear Solid, firmly standing there, not letting anyone get by.
Replace all the dolls with toy time bombs filled with mayonnaise, and set them all off at once.
build a fort out of paper towels and toilet paper and throw rotten fruit at people
Start a cult. Convince them you are Julius Caesar reincarnated. Convince them they have to invade Gaul as a defensive measure. Since this is North America, Quebec is French enough so it'll have to do. March your legions on Montreal. Surround a Walmart and blockade any cargo trucks trying to get in. Invade the Walmart, then get kicked out.
Pick up a giant soda. Shake it shake it shake it and BOOM open the lid and enjoy!
Bring in a group of goats and start playing the accordion while they run around in the store.
Start a cult around a certain possessed, demonized Chandelier that keeps eating peoples’ souls.
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