Coax a wild animal (such as a deer) into the establishment, and get your friends, along with yourrself to chase it with your phones out screaming about how its a new legendary pokemon exclusive to pokemon go, and then proceed to threaten to sue the employees for trying to kick you out
Empty all of the pickle jars, cover yourself in butter, and slide yourself through the store on your stomach, covered in pickles, while flinging them at bystanders and store staff
if you really want to get kicked out of walmart, climb up onto the conveyor belt for purchases and empty everything in your bowels right onto that dang rubber belt, and then hit the button that makes it move so that you smear it all around and down inside of the whole machine. good, quality, family fun for everybody.
Dress up as a clown and run up to kids asking if they want to see something cool and then no matter what they reply, laugh maniacally for an uncomfortable amount of time then run away to the next kid