1000 Ways To Get Kicked Out Of Wal-Mart

I can think of a few things but there's kiddies on this forum so I'd better not...
Have Shulk say, “I’m really feeling it!” And he ends up slicing the store in half with a giant Monado.
Find a plastic training toliet and start taking a dump in it if anyone asks say that your parents never taught you how to poop properly then shout out loud IM A BIG BOY/GIRL NOW!
Open all the crisps bags, drench the crisps in body fluids of your choice and them put em back into the bags as usual
sneak up to people then when they aren't looking, blast an airhorn in their ear. Then run off singing "Trolololololo"
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Put grease all over the place, and slip and slide into aisles, crashing them with your Donkey Kong friends.
Make a huge speech while standing on top of the toilet paper display tower, about how your secret has been discovered... You have an addiction to KFC.