6 Days of Scavenging

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I have an aki ball with orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple but no red, then another ball with ROYGB but there is gray between the green and blue. Still looking.
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Definitely struggling to find something rainbow. We had some rainbow shoelaces around a couple of years back, but I don't know where they are now
I'm sure I have those too.
@Oblivia, I don’t own very much with a rainbow pattern, would this shoe still work as one?

Shoe Picture.jpg

If not, would a box of Lucky Charms work? It's all I could find... 😭
Would something like this shirt work for the rainbow pattern? There is in fact orange and green in it, but they’re just not as visible as the other colors. If not I’ll try to find something else.

Just sharing a photo for the 4th hunt with a new name card! I used a red marker, but the picture makes it look pink. Also, the letter A is always the one that looks awkward compared to the rest.
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Here, we have a pair of scissors. I actually used it to cut out a piece of paper to make myself a new name card. The manga book seen here is The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess. Thank goodness I had the urge to borrow some books from the library a few days ago or else I'd struggle to find one in my house lol. Finally, a Coco Chanel perfume. Not much to say other than the fact it rarely gets used.
Love that book series!
I've got a mini flashlight attached to my keyrings, would that still count?
It would need to have a handle rather than the mini style that you squeeze to turn on.
Does a bag of skittles count as a rainbow. They always have one in the background if you Google it.
If there's a full rainbow on the package it would be acceptable.

this sticker and old chonkboi flashlight ok? I might be able to find other rainbow items but this is the one i saw first orz
Both of these are fine!
Is a rectangular flashlight okay? I can't find one of the traditional circular ones lol. Alternatively, do the flashlights that come with like a radio set count? With the amount of different wacky flashlights we have, I don't think we have those typical handheld round ones 😅
The shape isn't as important so long as it's a traditional flashlight with a handle and an on/off switch. :)
hi, is this duck shaped keychain flashlight acceptable?
It would need to be a more traditional flashlight with a handle, so I'm afraid not!
I searched high and low and just wanted to make sure this counts for the rainbow before I submit all 3 items for today's hunt. :)

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The lettering is a clear rainbow pattern so this would be fine.
@Oblivia, I don’t own very much with a rainbow pattern, would this shoe still work as one?

If not, would a box of Lucky Charms work? It's all I could find... 😭
The shoe does not appear to be an intentional rainbow pattern and only has four colors, but I do believe the Lucky Charms box would work as it shows a complete rainbow, at least from what I can see when Googling it!
Would something like this shirt work for the rainbow pattern? There is in fact orange and green in it, but they’re just not as visible as the other colors. If not I’ll try to find something else.

This also doesn't appear to be an intentional rainbow pattern, so ideally I'd like to see something with a more obvious rainbow!
The Sakura mug is my pride and joy. The rainbow item is a tag that came with a clothing piece, and the flashlight is a flashlight!
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Oh my goodness!!! That cup is stunning, I love the artwork! 🥰 I'm lowkey jealous lol I recently found out that Kodansha is releasing a collectors edition of the manga and they all have beatiful big pieces of art on the cover but they're extremelly expensive.... $30 USD EACH so I just settled for volume 4 since it's my favorite cover out of all of them.
I have some questions about this round!
Would a rainbow food item like a lolipop count for the rainbow item?
Also will this style flashlight work?

^ image from Google

Edit: I realized I have a rainbow loom, will the box count as the logo “Rainbow Loom” is in rainbow?

Sorry for all the questions!
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Am I allowed to use a bracelet I made that has a rainbow colour on it? And if not, and I allowed to use the rattail material itself as an entry? The rattail string has the colour already on it, I didn't dye it or anythin.
Oh my goodness!!! That cup is stunning, I love the artwork! 🥰 I'm lowkey jealous lol I recently found out that Kodansha is releasing a collectors edition of the manga and they all have beatiful big pieces of art on the cover but they're extremelly expensive.... $30 USD EACH so I just settled for volume 4 since it's my favorite cover out of all of them.
Oh gosh, that price is killer! Good choice with volume 4, though. I was really lucky to find that mug in a Mandarake shop. It's my favorite souvenir of all time, hehe.
Last two entries!

My brother let me borrow this book now that his class is over and he's done with it. I haven't gotten to start on it yet, but I'm hoping to soon!

My hubby let me use his wallet. I don't think I personally own anything with a rainbow. And my friend gave me this mug when she used to work at a pottery center! She painted it after a customer decided she didn't want it anymore. c:
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