6 Days of Scavenging

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tonight is the only night where I won't be able to do it right away bc I'll be out doin stuff w people lol 😔😔

bet I'll be here right at 6pm to see what the next hunt items are tho
It will be midnight here so I don’t think I would be very popular if I woke everyone up trying to look for things 😂 Just waiting and hoping I have what is needed 🙏
It will be midnight here so I don’t think I would be very popular if I woke everyone up trying to look for things 😂 Just waiting and hoping I have what is needed 🙏
same here! Its nearly 1 am, but I can't sleep until I know 😅 as much as I want to get up and collect everything right away, I'd probably wake everyone.
We're nearing the end! Day 4 is officially over, so let's go over what you'll be searching for this time around...

For today's hunt, you'll need to find:

A mug (traditional mug with a side handle; no thermoses or teacups)
A flashlight (traditional, handled variety; phones won’t be accepted)
Anything with a rainbow pattern*

*Further clarification on the rainbow item prompt: this must be a pre-fabricated item, meaning you may not draw a rainbow or create one out of colored paper or other crafting materials. It must also include at least five colors of a traditional rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple), and be an obvious and intentional rainbow pattern (i.e. all the above colors on a cereal box or poster but not in the correct pattern wouldn't be accepted).

You can also find this information inside the spoiler in the main post.

Also, as always, please remember that a namecard is required for all submissions, and be sure to post your official entries in the Submissions Board. Thanks all, and hope you've been having fun thus far!
YOO let’s go I have a gay wristband
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The most frustrating thing is I know I have this stuff but can I find it is the real question lol
I completely forgot about it until 3 minutes before submissions closed 😭 did I submit in time? Completely understand if I didnt
ASJHd idk if i have anything w a rainbow pattern but ik for sure i have the other two items ;___;
@Oblivia I've got two head torches but I'm not sure if I have a handheld one. Would that be allowed? It sure isn't traditional, but it's also not a phone... And I guess it's time to go look for my pride flag ~
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Literally the easiest and fastest one ever lets go
just to get an idea of how lazy I can be: can the mug be slightly oddly shaped, so long as it's clearly a mug? or are you looking for only the basic cylindrical with a handle design sort of mug?
i have a pride flag tacked to my wardrobe, so that one's easy. a flashlight on the other hand...
just to get an idea of how lazy I can be: can the mug be slightly oddly shaped, so long as it's clearly a mug? or are you looking for only the basic cylindrical with a handle design sort of mug?
I would prefer the latter, though I've been pretty lenient thus far and don't plan to nitpick too badly on any of these. I'm likely to accept as long as it's a proper mug and not a teacup or other similar item, though people may be asked to resubmit if I feel their submission is too far-reaching!
The switch case for Mario kart takes place on rainbow road, does that count as a rainbow pattern if we're struggling to find anything else?
I would prefer the latter, though I've been pretty lenient thus far and don't plan to nitpick too badly on any of these. I'm likely to accept as long as it's a proper mug and not a teacup or other similar item, though people may be asked to resubmit if I feel their submission is too far-reaching!
well it's see how this goes then~
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