A Million Dollars, BUT

lol no thanks, i already get dizzy enough as it is. if i wanted to live upside down id move to australia.

a million dollars but you’re allergic to every animal
I’ll take it because I’m allergic to dogs and cats already and don’t have any pets.

You get one million dollars but you can only sleep for four hours at a time at a random point in the day.
The random point in the day part is making me opt out :/

1 mill but a random animal species will be chosen to go extinct
No because my luck, it would be dogs.

A million dollars but you can only drink the same soda for a whole year.
Hah, easy. I'm not a "real gamer" and most games are too challenging for me.

A million dollars but you have to swallow 100 slugs whole.
Too much for me
Million dollars but you have to win the 50/50 of earning the million dollars or not getting it

A Million Dollars but you have to eat Fugu prepared by an unlicensed chief.
Easy. I've left many other forums before, but a million dollars might just convince me.

1 million dollars but you have to watch Logan Paul videos non-stop for a whole month.
Easy. I've got other streaming services. Hah! Joke's on you! :p

A million dollars but no streaming services for a year.
Sure, I do that already for the most part lol

Million Dollars but you have to let a family member die
Easy, I've got a few in mind already

A million dollars but your favorite content creator will never make anything new again.

a million dollars but everyone's skin turns blue and you're the only one who thinks this is weird and notices the change
I'll tolerate it at some point

Million dollars, but you're banned from going outside