A Million Dollars, BUT

Didn't plan on having children anyway, so I'll definitely take it!

A million dollars, but you have to go without electricity for a year.
Sure, I wouldn't mind considering I don't have one yet.

A million dollars but you get banned from your favorite website.
no thanks, chocolate is my life 😂

a million dollars but you can never leave your house ever
So long as I can move into my own apartment anywhere I want first, then sure!

A million dollars but you cannot listen to music ever again.
I’ll pass.

A million dollars but you have to be without internet access for two weeks (14 days).
I’ve gone longer than 2 weeks without internet so yes absolutely

A million dollars but everyone will see you poop for one year
Not taking it. That would just be both too embarrassing and also it shouldn't be anyone's business, either.

A million dollars, but you lose all abilities to speak, write, and type for a month.
Sure! I don't run in to too many animals already, but it'll def be hard to resist the urge.

A million dollars but the only power vehicle you can use are boats (no cars or planes or anything :p)
what's the point then? nope.

1mill but you find a gigantic cockroach on your toothbrush every time you try to brush your teeth
ehhm..I'm not really scared of them but finding them every single time on my toothbrush might be annoying so probably not going to take the 1mill :d

1mill but a random person somewhere loses 1mill?
this sounds TERRIBLE but i'm poor and would suffer through it for just a day.

a million dollars BUT you can only eat the same meal for a year