A Million Dollars, BUT

No thanks. Maybe if it was only for a month or whatever. A million dollars isn't much these days anymore. You would probably still have to work for the rest of your life. And I like food and this would just make me hate it. Imagine spaghetti mixed with icedtea. You'd have to just opt in for water all the time to make it taste less gross.

A million dollars, but you have to walk 5 miles barefoot in snow.
Probably not. I don't want hypothermia.

A million dollars, but from now on, you have to laugh like Peter Griffin.
I just wouldn't laugh. Could I get away with that?

A million dollars, but you have to take ice cold showers/baths to get clean from now on.
Yeah, sure. It’d feel good in the summer anyways. However, there’s no rule for having hot water if you don’t have soap. BOOM LOOPHOLE FOUND

A million dollars, but all you can watch on TV until next summer are preschool shows.
I think I'd be okay with that considering I don't watch much TV anyway.

A million dollars, but you have to give up the one hobby you're most passionate about.
Yeah. Maybe it'll help me practice my indoor voice because I naturally talk loud and at this point, I don't think I have an indoor voice.

A million dollars, but you have to give up drinking soda for 3 months.
That’d be tough as I basically drink soda every day, but I can try my best to quit caffeine for three months.

A million dollars, but you are not allowed to spend it on anything - it’s only to show off to others.
If it was only for a few years I probably would, otherwise no. As someone who hates winter and cold weather, I don't think I could stand living in Alaska permanently.

A million dollars, but you can only use cash for a year (no online purchases, no credit card, google pay etc.)
It would be inconvenient, but it's manageable. Used to do that anyway. I'd just need to carry around extra.

A million dollars but you have to set up Christmas lights for 100 houses. Nothing half-done either. It has to look nice.
Depends on the time frame I have. It would probably be dreadful regardless.

A million dollars but every ten minutes you have it, you're automatically taxed $100.
Ugh. Got ninja'd.
Eventually, I'd be in the negative. I'll pass.

A million dollars, but you'll have to permanently delete all the photos on your phone or computer.
I would be okay with that if I can take new ones.

A million dollars, but you have to give half to a random person on your ignore list on TBT.
I don't have anyone on that list, so this seems like a win to me.

A million dollars, but you have a 5% chance of losing all of it every day at 12:00 a.m. until it's all spent. If you do the math, that would mean you can have it for about 20 days at most.
No. In today's age that million won't last you for the rest of your life. It might be a nice safety net for a little bit, but you'd have to make it last.

A million dollars but you have wash, wax, and clean the inside of 50 cars in 1 week.
I think I'm too lazy to do that. That sounds like a lot of work.

A million dollars but the only media you can consume until it's all spent is The Nutshack. If you say yes, get ready to lose brain cells.
That's roughly 7 cars a day if you spread it out. Sure it's a lot of work, but a million dollars is nothing to sneeze at. I'd try to get it done.

I'd just spend it all on some property and then not watch it. Or watch a little bit.

A million dollars but you have to eat food you hate and not food you like for a week. After that you can go back to your regular eating habits.
Pffft. Easy.

A million bucks, but that's exactly what it is. It's literally just a million Bucks.
I know who will answer yes to this